Heritage/Shat Gombuj Mosques, Unit: 8 (Lesson 1, Class Ten // English 1st paper://




Heritage/Shat Gombuj Mosques, Unit: 8 (Lesson 1, Class Ten // English 1st paper://




                           English 1st Paper

Read the passage and answer the questions 1 and 2.

Heritage’ is what we inherent from the past, live with them in the present and then pass on to our children or future generation. Our unique source of life and inspiration is our culture and natural heritage. When we speak of world ‘heritage’ it indicates places and sites that we got from the past and pass on the future generation of the entire world. The ‘shat Gombuj Mosque’ in Bagehot is such place. It becomes a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1985.Originally, the historic Mosque city was known as ‘Khalifatabad’. It is situated at the outskirts of Bagehot town-not very far from the dense mangrove forest of the Sundarbans. Khalifatabad was a Muslim colony. It was founded by the Turkish general, a saint warrior Ulugh khan Johan in the 15th century. The infrastructure of the city revels significant technical skill in many mosque as well as early Islamic monument. Baked bricks were used for the constructions of buildings. The planning of the city was distinctly dominated by Islamic architecture and decoration were combination of Mughal and Turkish architecture Khan Johan built a network of roads , buildings bridges , public buildings and reservoirs to make the city habitable . There are about 360 mosques in the city. Among them the most remarkable is the multi-domed Shat Gombuj mosque. The mosque is unique in the sense that it has 66 pillars that support the roofs , with 77 low height domes. The thickness of the arches is 6 feet and have slightly narrowing hallow and round wall. The west wall in the interior has 11 ‘mihrabs’ (niche in mosque pointing toward Makkah). These Mihrabs are decorated with stonework and terracotta. The floor of the mosque is made of brick,. Besides being used as prayer hall, Khan Jahan used the mosque as his court too. Today, it is one of the greatest tourists’ attractions and one of the best architectural beauties of Bangladesh.  

Other Post: May Day  https://www.patwaryacademy.com/2023/10/ssc-examination-2024-english-1st-paper.html

1. Choose the correct answer from the following alternatives.                 

a. What is the main purpose of the author of this passage?     

i. To show the heroism of Khan Jahan Ali.                                   Ii. To show the infrastructure of Bagerhat built by Khan Jahan Ali.

iii. To represent Shat Gombuj Mosque built by Khan Jahan Ali

 iv. To introduce Khan Jahan Ali

b. Which of the following describe Khan Jahan Ali?

i. Pious                                                                                               ii. Philanthropic

iii. Kind                                                                                              iv. Warrior

C. Which is following has the closest meaning of the word ‘unique’ used in the passage?

i. Common                                                                                       ii. Second to none

 iii. General                                                                                      IV. Universal.     

D. The word; outskirts ‘can be replaced by-

I. suburb                                                                                       ii. Centre

 iii. Nucleus                                                                                  IV. Outside

E. The word ‘slender’ in the texts stands for-

i. Thick                                                                                            ii. Wide

iii. Modest                                                                                     IV. Learn

F. In the passage, the word ‘unique’ is a/an-

 i. interjection                                                                                ii. Adjective

iii. Adverb                                                                                       IV. Noun

G. What is the antonym of the word ‘revel’?

 i. discloses                                                                                       ii. Display

iii. Conceal                                                                                     iv. Unrefined

Other Post  https://www.patwaryacademy.com/2023/10/ssc-examination-2024-english-1st-paper.html

2. Answer the following questions:  

 a. ‍What do you mean by heritage?

b. What makes the mosque ‘unique’?

c. What is the ‘Mihrab’? Describe it?

d. Describe the prayer hall in 2/3 sentences.

e. What does the infrastructure of the city revel?


 Correct Answer: 1

a= i, b=iv, c= ii, d=iv, e= i, f=ii, g=i.


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