Valentina Tereshkova , HSC English 1st paper: Unit-1, Lesson-3


Valentina Tereshkova , HSC English 1st paper: Unit-1, Lesson-3



                    Valentina Tereshkova 

Read the passage and answer the questions 1 and 2.

Valentina Tereshkova was born in the village Maslennikovo, Tatayevsky  district , in central Russia. Tereshkova's father was tractor driver and her mother worked in a textile plant . Tereshkova began school in 1945 at the age of eight, but left school in 1953 and continued her education through distance learning. She became interested in parachuting from a young age, and trained in skydiving at the local Aeroclub, making her first jump at the age of 22 on 21 May 1959. At that time she was employed as a textile worker in a local factory . It was her expertise in skydiving that led to her selection as a cosmonaut.

After the flight of Yuri Gagarin (the first human being to travel to outer space in 1961), the Soviet Union decided to send a woman in space. On 16 February 1962, “Proletariat” Valentina Tereshkova was selected for this project from among more than four hundred applicants. Tereshkova had to undergo a series of training that included weightless flights , isolation tests ,centrifuge tests, rocket theory , spacecraft engineering , 120 parachute jumps and pilot training in Mig-15UTI jet fighters.

Since the successful launch of the spacecraft Vostok-5 on 14 June 1963, Tereshkova began preparing for her own flight. On the morning of 16 June 1963 , Tereshkova and her back-up cosmonaut  Solovyov were dressed in space-suits and taken to the space shuttle launch pad by a bus. After completing her communication and life support checks. She was sealed inside Vostok-6 . Finishing a two –hour countdown ,Vostok-6 was launched faultlessly.

Although Tereshkova experience nausea and physical discomfort for much of the flight, she orbited the earth 48 times and spent almost three days in space. With a single flight, she logged more flight time than the combined times of all American astronauts who had flown before that date. Tereshkova also maintained a flight log and took photograph for the horizon. Which were later used to identify aerosol layers within the atmosphere.

Vostok-6 was the final Bostock flight and was launched two days after Vostok-5, which carried Valary Bykovsky into a similar orbit for five days, landing three hours after Tereshkova. The two vessels approached each other within 5 kilometers at one point, and from space Tereshkova communicated with Bykovsky and the Soviet leader Khrushchev by radio. Much later, in 1977 Tereshkova earned a doctorate in Engineering from Zhukovsky Air Force Academy. Afterwards she turned to politics. During the Soviet regime she became one of the presidium members of the Supreme Soviet. Now this living legend is a member in the lower house of the Russian legislature. On her 70th birthday when she was invited by the Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, she expressed her desire to fly to Mars, even if for a one-way trip.

Other post: Nelson Madela

 1.Choose the best answer following alternatives.

A. Where was Valentine Tereshkova born?

i. Russia                                                                       ii. Turkey

iii. Greece                                                                    iv. Bangladesh

B. In which village Valentina Tereshkova born ?

i. Maslennikovo                                                         ii. Russia

iii. Feni                                                                       iv. Alaska

C. Valentina Tereshkova’s father was…..

i. tractor driver                                                         ii. Bus driver

iii. Textile engineer                                                    iv. all

D.  Valentina Tereshkova’s mother was….

i. garment worker                                                      ii. Textile worker

 iii. Bus owner                                                            iv. none

E. When did Tereshkova begin go to school ? 

i. 1945                                                                          ii. 1946 

iii. 1947                                                                       iv.1985

F.  How old was Valentina start go to school?

i. 8                                                                                ii. 9 

iii. 7                                                                              iv. 10

G. When did Valentina leave his school?

i. 1953                                                                           ii. 1948

 iii 1945                                                                         iv. none

 H. How did Valentina continue his study ?

i. by internet                                                                  Ii. By e-mail 

iii. Distance learning                                                    iv. By SMS

I. Valentina interested parachuting in …..

i. young age                                                                      ii. Old age

iii. Middle age                                                                   iv. Baby age

J. Where did she  train in skydiving?

i. local Aeroclub                                                               ii. Central Aeroclub 

c. foreign Aeroclub                                                            iv.  None of the three.

K. When was her first jump at the age of ?

i. 22                                                                                     ii. 23 

iii.24                                                                                    iv. 25

L. When was her first jump …?

i.1959                                                                                   ii. 1958  

iii.1960                                                                                 iv.1961

M. in which date she started first jump ?

i. 21 may                                                                               ii. 22 may

iii. 23 may                                                                              iv. 25

N. In which job she employed in the time of first jump ?

i. Textile worker                                                                 ii. Bus driver

iii. Tractor driver                                                                 iv. Bike driver

O. Who was the first traveler in space?

i. Yuri Gagarin                                                                    ii. Valentina 

iii. Tereshkova                                                                      iv. None

P. In which year he started he journey ?

i. 1961                                                                                   ii. 1953

iii.1945                                                                                  iv. None

Q. In how many candidates  Valentina  was selected ?

i. 400                                                                                      ii. 200

iii. 500                                                                                    iv. 205

R. In which year Valentina selected first time?

i.1962                                                                                    ii. 1961

iii. 1945                                                                                  v. 1954

S. How many training did Valentina take for jump?

i. 7                                                                                          ii. 6

iii. 5                                                                                        iv.4

T. What does the expertise means ?

i. proficiency                                                                           ii. Ability

iii. Knowledge                                                                         iv. Expert opinion


U. What does the word ‘proletarian ‘

i. People who are sick                                                             ii. Common people 

iii. The working class people                                                iv. People with special needs

V. What does the phrase ‘expertise in skydiving ‘mean…

i. skydiving trainer                                                                ii. Expertness in skydiving                                                                                                                         iii. Skill in diving

 iv. None of the above

W. regime means

i. command                                                                            ii. Authority

iii. Assembly                                                                           iv. Politician

X. When did Valentina Tereshkova start her own journey?

i. 1963                                                                                      ii.1964

 iii.1965                                                                                    iv. none

Y. In which date she started her own journey?

i.14 June                                                                                  ii. 15 June

iii. 16 June                                                                                iv. None

Z. Tereshkova was dressed in.

I.16 June,1963                                                                         ii. 17 June,1964

iii. 18 June,1965                                                                       iv. None

A1. Who was with Tereshkova?

i. Solovyov                                                                                ii. Tereshkova

 iii. Yuri Gagarin                                                                        iv. None of

B2.How many  hours of countdown ?

i.2 hrs.                                                                                        ii. 1 hr.

 iii. 3 hrs.                                                                                     iv. None

C3. Bostock—was launched faultlessly….

I.4                                                                                                 ii.6

iii.7                                                                                               iv.9

D4. What did Tereshkova experience ?

i. nausea                                                                                         ii. Vomiting 

iii. fever                                                                                          iv. Both i, ii

 E5. How many times did she orbit ?

i. 45                                                                                                 ii. 46

iii. 47                                                                                               iv.48

F6. How many days she was in space ?

i. 2 days                                                                                           ii. 3 days

iii. 4 days                                                                                         iv. None

 G7. What did she take a   ?

i. picture                                                                                           ii. Photograph

iii. Horizon                                                                                       iv. Earth

H8. Orbit means  ?

i. single                                                                                               ii. Rectangle

iii. Skyline                                                                                         iv. Agle

I9. What does the phrase ‘expertise in skydiving’

i. expert in skydiving                                                                     ii. skill in skydiving                                                                                                                                     iii. Skydiving trainer                                                                                            iv. All

J10. When did Vostok-6 launch after Vostok -5 ?

i. 2 days                                                                                         ii. 3 days

 iii. 4 days                                                                                      iv. None

K11. How many days is carried Valary Bykovsky into a similar orbit?

i. 1 day                                                                                           ii.2 days

iii. 3 days                                                                                       iv. none

L12.Two vessels were approached within ….

i. 5 kms                                                                                        ii 6 kms

 iii. 1 km                                                                                      iv .both I, ii

M13. Tereshkova communicate with …

i. Bykovsky                                                                                 ii. Khrushchev

 iii. Both I, ii .                                                                             iv. only I,

N14. When did Tereshkova earn doctored degree ?

i.1975                                                                                           ii.1976

iii.1977                                                                                        iv. none

O15. From where did Tereshkova earn doctored degree ?

i.  Zhukovsky Air Force Academy                                            ii. Oxford university

 iii. Cambridge university                                                           Iv. Dhaka university

P16.In subject did she earn doctored degree ?

i. English                                                                                  ii. Cosmonaut

iii. Engineering                                                                         iv. Astrology

Q16. Tereshkova turn into …..

i. politics                                                                                   ii. Business

 iii. Study                                                                                  iv. Both I, ii  

11.Both vessels were in … point                                                                                ii. Two points 

iii. both I, ii                                                                                iv. Only i

R17. In which age did she invited by Russian Prime Minster ?

i. 77                                                                                              ii.70

iii.75                                                                                            iv. None

S18. Whose prime minister is mentioned in the passage ?

i. Vladimir Putin                                                                                                       ii. Mikhail Gorvacheb                                                          iii. Jo Vaiden                                                                                                                                                  iv. None of the three

T19. Where did she express to fly ….

i. in Mar                                                                               ii. In Earth

 iii.  In Plato                                                                           iv. None of the three

T20. Now she is member of legislator in …

i. Russia                                                                                ii. Bangladesh

 iii. America                                                                         iv. India

                      Correct answer are in bold

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