HSC// English 1st paper // Unit, 1// Lesson, 2// Nelsosn Mandela


HSC// English 1st paper // Unit, 1// Lesson, 2// Nelsosn Mandela

Nelson Mandela

Unit: 1 (Lesson 2)

Read the passage and answer the questions 1 and 2.

Nelson Mandela

Mandela guided South Africa from the shackles of apartheid to multi-racial democracy, as an icon of peace and reconciliation who came to embody the struggle for justice around the world.

Imprisoned for nearly three decades for his fight against white minority rule, Mandela never lost his resolve to fight for his people’s emancipations. I have fought against it all during my life; I will fight it now, and will do so until the end of my life” “Mandela said in his acceptance speech on becoming South Africa’s first blacklist president in 1994, ’The time for the healing of the wounds has come. The moment to bridge the chasms that divide us has come

In 1993, Mandela was awarded the Nobel peace Prize, an honor he shared with F.D. de Clark, the white African leader who had freed him from prison three years earlier and negotiated the end of

apartheid. Mandela went on to play a prominent role on the world stage as an advocate of human dignity in the face of challenging ringing from political repression to AIDS.

He formally left public life in June 2004 before his 86th birthday, telling his adoring countrymen: “Don’t call me, I call you.” But he reminded one of the world’s most revered public figures, combining celebrity sparkle with an unwavering message of freedom, respect and human dignity.

He is at the epicenter of our time, ours in South Africa, and yours, wherever you are, Nadine Gordimer, the South African writer and Novel Laureate for literature. once remarked

The years Mandela bars made him world’s most celebrated political prisoner and a leader of mythic stature for millions of black South African and other oppressed people for beyond his country’s borders.

Charged with capital offences in the 1963 Ravinia Trial., his statement from the dock

was his political testimony.

“During my lifetime I have dedicated myself to this struggle of the African people. I have fought against white domination, and I have fought against black domination.”

I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities,” he told the court. “It is an ideal I hope to live for and to achieve. But if needs be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die”. Friends adored Mandela and fondly called himMadiba” the clan name by which he was known. People lauded his humanity, kindness and dignity.

1. Choose the correct answer from alternatives.

A. ‘Dignity’ means in the passage.

i. respect                                                     ii. Shame

iii. huge                                                        iv. denied

B. ‘Political repression’ stands.           

i. Political peace                                             ii. Political struggle

iii. Political tension iv. none

C. ‘Icon’ means

i. patronizes                                                      ii. Idol

iii. Image.                                                           Iv. Footprint

d. Chasm stands

i. cleft                                                                  ii. Hatred

iii. Top                                                          iv. Border

e. Mandela was imprisoned for nearly-decades

i. 2                                                                       ii. 3

iii.4                                                                      iv.6

f. Mandela fought against…                  

i. Black domination                                              ii. White domination  

iii. Both i, ii                                                         iv. Bangladesh

g. Madiba was the – name of …

1. nick                                                                   2. School

3. Collage                                                           4. Political

h. Mandela went on to play a prominent role on the world stage…prominent means

i. famous                                                           ii. Notorious

iii. Great                                                            iv. None

 i. Nelson Mandela is considered as a-

i.    Peace and harmony                                    ii. symbol of destruction

iii. Symbol of humanity                                 iv. Icon of love


j. When did Mandela leave from public place?

i.2003                                                              ii.  2004 

iii.  2005                                                               iv. 2006

k.  When did he announce to go to rest the birthday was……?

i. 85th                                                                     ii. 86th   

iii. 87th                                                                iv. 89th

L. ‘Countrymen’ stands in the passage…

i. people                                                                  ii. Person 

iii. Men                                                                   iv. Women

m. “Don’t call me, I will call you” who said?

i. F.W .de Klerk.                                                        ii. Nelson Mandela

iii. Nadine Gordimer                                               iv. Mr. Jamba

n. ‘Sparkle’ means ….

i. Light                                                                      ii. Dark

iii. Deep                                                          iv. cruel

o. Who is the epicenter of his time?

i. Nelson Mandela                                                    ii. F.W. de Klerk

iii. Nadine Gordimer                                                  iv. Routers

p. Nadine Gordimer is the ….

i. South Africa’s writer                                             ii. Bagel’s Writer

iii. Nelson Mandala’s friend                                      iv. F.W.de Clark

q. Mystic’s leader is…

i. Sheikh Mujib                                                       ii. Nelson Mandela

iii. F. W .de Clark                                                         iv. all

r. Who was the most political prisoner?

i. Nelson Mandela                                                      ii. F.W. de Clark

iii. Nadine Gordimer                                              iv. all

s. ‘Mythic Stature ‘means

i. Implausible dignity

                                                                                       ii. Great power

iii. Great fame                                                          iv. Indispensable

t. Whom are oppress in country’s boarder? 

i. Bangladeshi’ people                                                   ii. American people

 iii . African people.                                                        iv. South African people

u. In which charge Mandela was accused?

i. Ravinia                                                                         ii. Nuremburg 

iii. human against case                                                    iv. Johannesburg

v. When Ravinia trial is made?

i.  1963                                                                            ii. 1964 

iii. 1965                                                                           iv.1955

w. What does ‘dock’ in the text refers?

i. Hillock                                                                           ii. Deck  

iii. Haven                                                                      iv. court

x.  ‘Revered ‘means in the passage?       

i. honor                                                                          ii. Respect

iii. idolized                                                                        iv. All of them

y. What does mean by advocate in the passage?

i. lawyer                                                                         ii. barrister in law

iii. Defender                                                                  iv. opponent

z. People lauded his-

 i. humanity                                                           ii. kindness

  iii. Dignity                                                           iv. All

A1. What does it mean the term "Mythic" in the text?

i. legendary ii. meagre franc

iii. mysterious iv. unreliable

B1.The word "Emancipation' stands in the passage-

i. redemption ii. extrication

iii. enslavement iv. freedom from political restriction

C1. What does 'apartheid' stands for?-

i. apart ii. aloofness

iii. racism iv. apartment

D1. F.W de Klark freed Mandela from prison in-

i. 1993 ii. 1994

iii.1990 iv. 1986

E1. The moment to bridge the chasms that divide us has come."- What is meant by 'to bridge the chasms?

i. to remove pauperism

ii. to mitigate suffering

iii. to reduce difference between black and white

iv. to save people

F1. The word 'reconciliation' means-

i. dissolving hostility

ii. having good citizen

iii. coming together

iv. an end to a disagreement and the start of a good relationship again

G1. Mandela guided South Africa to a - state.

i. better ii. neutral

iii. advanced iv. brooder

H1.Mandela tried not to- a civil war.

i. shun ii. escape

iii. fight shy of iv. meet

I1. What does ' Shaklee ' refer to?

i. restrains ii. stick

iii. stigma iv. spur

J1.What does 'Reuters' refers to

i. an association ii. a critical theory

iii. a book on Nelson Mandela iv. a news agency

k1.Nelson Mandela is considered a/an__

1. Symbol of apartheid

2. Icon of love

3. Emblem of peace and harmony

4. Epitome of democracy

l1. the world healing means____

1. Curing

2. Heating

3. Soothing

4. Ailing

m1. race discrimination refers to

1. Difference on the basis of caste, creed and color

2. Competition among the member of a race

3. Domination of others

4. Demoralization of people

n1. by political emancipation Mandela has indicate___

1. White minority rule

2. Black minority rule

3. Complete democracy

4. Avoidance of civil war

o1. F.W. de Klerk was____

  1. The black South African leader

2. The white South American leader

3. The white South African leader

4. The black South American leader

p1. as an advocate of human dignity Mandela role was

1. Confined to meet the challenges to political repression

2. To find out remedy for aids

3. To alleviate the darkness of illiteracy

4. To face the challenges from political repression to AIDS

q1. what does the word “reconciliation” mean in the passage?

1. Repair

2. Reconstruction

3. Reunion

4. Reproduction

r1. what does the expression “ the shackles of apartheid” indicate?

1. There existed equally in South Africa

2. There was no racial discrimination in South Africa

3. There was racial discrimination in South Africa

4. There prevailed democracy in south Africa

s1. “I have fought it all during my life.” What does it refer to here?

1. Aids

2. Race discrimination

3. A civil war

4. South Africa president ship

t1. what does apartheid refer to?

1. A part

2. Distance

3. Discrimination

4. Dialogue

u1. What did nelson Mandela hate most?

1.Clash among people


3.Race discrimination

4.Political unrest                       

v1.Nelson Mandela wanted south Africa

1.Fall in the grip of bondage

2.Free from the shackles of apartheid

3.Endanger the general people

4.Fall in the grip of serfdom

w1. The determination of Nelson Mandala was

1.To overthrow apartheid while avoiding a civil war

2.To bring down discrimination while avoiding the second world war

3.To subvert gender discrimination while fighting shy of upcoming war

4.To overturn race discrimination while going on a civil war.

x1. Nelson Mandela won the support of the world

1.By his notorious activities

2.With the help of his self centered performance and actions.

3.By his trifle speech before the public.

4.In aid of his personal charisma and prestige

y1. Nelson Mandela fought against race discrimination

1.During his early life

2.At his boyhood

3.At his young age

4.Throughout his life

z1. Nelson Mandela become south Africa’s first black president in





a2. Mandela received the novel prize in

1. 1991

2. 1992

3. 1993

4. 1994

b2 Mandela shared the Nobel prize with

1. Burney de clerk

2. Mother Teresa

3. Amartya seen

4. F.W.  de Klerk

c2. Mandela abandoned his political life

1. In June 2005

2.After his 85th birthday

3.In June 2003

4.After his 86th birthday

d2 To embody the struggle for justice around the world. “what does it imply?

1.The struggle for global justice was include in Mandela original movement

2. The struggle for justice was raised to a global standard.

3.The struggle for justice was finally brought to daylight

4.The struggle for justice came to an end.

Other post: https://draft.blogger.com/blog/post/edit/4923170196484756213/4818157208734497662


2.Answer the following questions

  a. What is the nickname of Nelson Mandela?

b. Who is fought against white and black dominate?

c. Which ideas are Mandela cherish?

d. Whose resection spread country’s boarder?

E. What is the main theme of this passage?

Correct Answer:
Choose the best option: A
A=1, B=3, C=4, D=1, E=2, F=3, G=1, H=3, I=3, j=2, k=2, L=1, M=2, n=1, o=1, p=1, q=2, r=1, s=1, t=4, u=1, v=1, w=4, x=1, y=3, z=4
A1. =1, B1=3, C1=3, D1=3, E1=2, F1=1, G1. iv, H1=iv, I1.=1, j1=iv,

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