Class HSC//English 1st paper// Unit: 1 (Lesson 3) Kalpana Chawla


Class HSC//English  1st paper// Unit: 1 (Lesson 3)  Kalpana Chawla

                           Kalpana chawla

                                                                   Unit: 1 (Lesson 3)

Read the passage and answer the questions 1 and 2.

Kalpana Chawla was born in Karnal, India. She completed her earlier schooling at Tagore Baal Niketan Senior Secondary School, Karnal .She is the first Indian–born woman and the second person in space from this sub-continent. After graduation in Aeronautical engineering Collage, India , in 1982,Chawla moved to the united States the same year. She obtained her Master’s degree in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Texas in 1984. Later she did her Ph. D in Aerospace Engineering in 1988 from the University of Colorado.

Determined to become an astronaut even in  the face of the Challenger disaster 1986 that broke apart 73 second into its flight , leading to the deaths of its seven crew members, Chawla joined NASA  in 1988 , she began working as a Vice President where she did Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) research on vertical take-off and landing . In 1991 she got U.S citizenship and started her career as a NASA astronaut in 1995. She was selected for her first flight in 1996. She spoke the following words while travelling in the weightlessness of space, ‘’You are just your intelligence,’’ she has travelled 10.67 million miles, as many as 252 times around the Earth.

Kalpana Chawla’s first space mission (mission STS 87) began on 19 November 1997 with six other astronauts on the space Shuttle Colombia. ON her first mission that lasted for 15 days 16 hours,34 minutes and 4 second, she travelled 6.5 million miles. She was responsible for deploying the Spartan Satellite which however malfunctioned, necessitating a spacewalk by Winston Scott and Tako Doi, two of her fellow astronauts, to retrieve the satellite.


In 2000 she was selected for her second space mission STS 107. This mission was repeatedly delayed due scheduling conflicts and technical problems. On 16 January 2003, Kalpana Chawla finally started her new mission with six other space crew on the ill-fated space shuttle in

Columbia. She was one the mission specialists. Chawla’s responsibilities include the microgravity experiments, for which the crew conducted nearly 80 experiments studying earth and space science, advantaged technology development, and astronaut health and safety.

After a 16-dayscientific mission in space, on 1 February 2003, Columbia including Chawla died only 16 minutes prior to their scheduled landing. Investigation shows that this fatal accident happened due to damage in one of
Columbia’s wings caused by a pieces of insulting foam from the external fuel tank peeling off during the launch. During the intense heat of re-entry, hot gases penetrated the interior of the wing, destroying the support structure and causing the rest of the shuttle to break down.

Other Post: Nishat Mojumder

A. Choose the best answer following alternatives.

a.Kalpana Chawla born…

i.Channei                                     ii.Kalkata

iii. Karnal                                    iv. None of the three

b.She completing her schooling ….

i. Tagore Baal Niketan Senior Secondary School,Karnal

 ii.Feni Govt collage                      iii. CMC 

iv. Kalkata university

c. Chawla moved to ….

i. India                                              ii. USA 

iii.Dhaka                                          iv. Bangladesh

d.Chawla moved in the USA

i.1982                                               ii.1983

iii.1984                                              iv.none

e.She took Ph.D. in

i. Aerospace Engineering                  ii.English

iii.both a,b                                          iv.only i

f.Chowla joined in NASA in…

i.1988                                                 ii.1989

iii.both I,ii                                          iv. only i.

g . She took US citizenship in…

i.1991                                                   ii.1998

iii.1988                                                 iv. none

h.In 1995 she started her career ..

i.NASA astronaut                                  ii. NASA pilot

iii. NASA driver                                     iv. NASA engineer

i. ‘’You are just your intelligence ,’’ who ?

i.Chawla                                                   ii.Tereshkova

ii. Bill Clinton                                            iv. None

j. she has travelled -million miles…

 i.10.67                                                         ii.13.67

iii.10.66                                                        iv.18.22

k. Kalpana Chawla died on…

i.1 February 2003                                          ii. 2 February

iii. 3 February                                                iv. Only ii

l. Columbia express the opinion Chawla died only -prior to their scheduled landing.

i.16 mins                                                          ii.19 mins

 iii.20 minutes                                                     iv. only ii

m. The fatal accident happened due to damage…

i. wings                                                                  ii. shuttle

iii. Foam                                                              iv. Only i

n.. a pieces of insulting foam from the external…

I. external tank                                                     ii. internal tank

 iii. external pond                                                  iv. internal pond

o.’Columbia’was the name of

i. Country                                                            ii. state

iii. Shuttle space                                                iv. Ship

The correct answer Choose the best answer are in bold

Other post Modifier

B. Answer the following questions:

a. Who kalpana Chawla?

b. From where did she take Ph.D degree?

c. Where was she born?

d. How many times  did she move around the earth?

e. What is the main theme of this passage?

f. When did she start her 2nd mission?

g. How many members were in the ill-fated shuttle?

h. Who was space specialist?

i. which were her responsivities?

j. What is the main theme of this passage?

k. When Kalpana Chawla died?

l .Why the fatal accident occurred?

m. Why fire occurred in the wing?

n. How many times fire occurred?

o. What is the main theme of this passage?

Other post : Pritilata

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