Final suggestion for Hon's examination 2024 // English compulsory



Final suggestion for Hon's examination 2024 //  English compulsory

Final suggestion for Hon's examination 2024


           Final suggestion For Hon's

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions bellow:

a.      .Is is general belief that dust is very harmful to us. Every solid substance is composed of very small particle. For example, if we break a brick or a stone into small pieces, it will turn into small particles of dust .There are different ways by which dust is formed. When solid things break, dust is formed. Smoke which is generated by the burning of coal, wood, patrol etc. also produces dust. Dust particles also come from plants, animals, matter, sea salts, desert and ash from volcanoes. These particles that get mixed with air and called dust. Air carries dust particles from one place to another. The particles of the earth’ surface also fly in the air in the form of the dust. The biggest utility of the particles is that they help in the formation of the rain. The water vapors in the clouds condense on the dust particles in the form of water drops .These drops fall on the earth as rain. So, if there is no dust particle, rain will come late. Dust also helps to form mist, fog etc.

The dust particles which are present in the air scatter sunrise in all directions. Because of this, there is no complete darkness even long after the sunset. We see red color in the sky at sunrise and sunset because of dust particles .In this way; we see that the dust particles which are thought to be harmful are often very useful too.

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 A. Write answer to the following questions:

  • i. What is dust?
  • ii. What is the biggest utility of dust particles?
  • iii. What does dust help to form?
  • B. What is the main idea and subordinate ideas?
  • C. Write down the meaning of the following words in English and make own sentence with them
  • Particles, dust, scatter, mist, fog, condense
  • d. write summary above passage.
  • e. What is the key-word in the first sentence of the passage?

B. Everybody desires success in life but few attain it. One of the principal reasons for reasons for this failure is that many people dare not take risks. Life is not a bed of roses. It is full of troubles and difficulties. They have to be overcome if we are to succeed in life. So we should face them with courage. We may fail at first and suffer in consequence .We should instead regard the initial failures and sufferings as the price of ultimate success. We should think of the daring of the discovers and explorers of land and the sufferings they had to bear before success came to them. Where would we have got pearls from if divers had not ventured into the dangers under the sea? A general who is afraid of taking risks can never win any victory. Similarly, a person who dare not take risks cannot achieve success in the struggle of life. But we must not be rash or hasty. We should think well about the possibilities before we venture upon a thing. Hasty action is like taking a leap in the dark that generally ends in disaster.


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 A. Write answer to the following questions:

  • i. what is the main reason for failure in life?
  • ii. what does the author idea and what are the supporting ideas in the passage? 


B. What is the main idea and subordinate ideas?

C. Write down the meaning of the following words in English and make own sentence with them

Pearls, explorers, initial, consequence, Dare, desires

d. write summary above passage.

e. What is the key-word in the first sentence of the passage?

 B. The has a great influence on our present. In fact, it would be correct to say that in most instances, the past caused the present- just like the present would affect the future. It is believed that the present will affect the so many our institutions exit. These from the bank schools to governments. All of them lay the foundation-rightly or wrongly-for the present from the past and are laying for the future.

This is true with regard to small events, like personal events. In our personal lives, our past education affects our present lives. The fact that we did or did not save and invest money wisely in the past, affects our present. Some of our childhood, this can affect our whole world. A point in question is the effect of our recent actions on the environment. Pollution is widespread; the rain forest so disappearing at a frightening rate; the hole in the ozone layer is getting bigger. All disaster caused by the actions of man are still in progress and half the world is crying out to the other half to stop. Shouldn’t we, therefore, try to be a little more careful about or actions in the present –both at personal and national level?

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  • A. Write answer to the following questions:
  • i. Which actions of the past are now causing threat to our existence?
  • ii. What does the writer suggest us to do?
  • B. What is the main idea and subordinate ideas?
  • C. Write down the meaning of the following words in English and make own sentence with them
  • crying out, progress, disaster, disappearing at, frightening, widespread, invest, instances, influence on
  • d. write summary above passage.
  • e. What is the key-word in the first sentence of the passage?


d.  Socrates, the greatest philosopher, was born of poor working class parents probably in the year 470 B.C  .He had the usual education of the boys in those days, learning music, science, philosopher and gymnastics. He also studied the arts of public speaking and argument. As a young man, he served the army an fought in several battles with great courage. When he left the army, some of his friends wanted him to go politics. But he refused to do, for he had another mission in life. This mission was to unmask ignorance and encourage truth. Up and down the streets of Athens, in the workshops of the poor, Socrates carried on his search for his truth. His method was to stop someone and begin to question him. By his question, he would show the other man “how vague and incompletes his ideas were” Then he would help him to build up his ideas on a surer foundation.

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  • A. Write answer to the following questions:
  • i. Who was Socrates?
  • ii. What is the mission of his life?
  • iii. What did Socrates learn other than philosophy?
  • B. What is the main idea and subordinate ideas?
  • C. Write down the meaning of the following words in English and make own sentence with them.
  • Surer, build up, incompletes, vague, carried on, workshop, refused, philosopher
  • d. write summary above passage.

2. Use the right form of verbs within brackets.

  1.The boy (work) since morning.

2. It is high time we (change) our direction.

3.He had talked as if he (knew) everything

4.Fifty miles (be) a long distance

5.We often (gone) to Dhaka.

6.If I had a camera, I (take) a snap.

7.I let the other boys (use) it

8. He said that he (meet) her before.

9.They boy (work) since morning.

10.It is high time we (change) our direction.

11.Yesterday an accident (take) place near science laboratory

12.He (admit) to hospital last night.

13.Yesterday an accident (take) place near science laboratory.

14.The train (leave) the platform before we arrived

15.I wish I (knew) the address of his house

16.He (lie) down as he tried

 Correct Answer: 

1. has been working

2. Changed

3. knew


6. would take

7. use

8. had met

9. has been working

10. Changed

11. took

12. admitted

13. took

14. had leaved

15. knew


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3 .From WH  questions from the following sentences. (any five)

A.. it is quarter to eleven now. b. I could not go because I was ill c. Nobody believes a liar d. This is Hassan’s umbrella. E.. Travelling enriches our knowledge .f. He went to Dhaka to buy a car? g. Shakespeare was a playwright? h. They died in Dhaka? i. It will take 30 minutes to reach there? j. She is honest and industrious. k. Runa is talking to Luna. l. He goes to school on foot. m The news made him sad n .He visits his parent once a week. o .She offered Liza a cup of tea.

Correct answer :

a. What time is it now? b. Why could I go ? c. Who believes a liar? d. Which one is Hasan's umbrella.?

e. Which/ What does increase our knowledge? 

f. Where did he go? g. What was Shakespeare? h. Where did they die? i. How many time will they take to reach there? j. How is She ?/ who is honest and industrious? k. Whos is talking with Luna? l. How does he go? m. Which made him sad? n. How long he visit his parents' house? o. Who coppered Liza?

 4.Re-arrange the words to make sensible sentences (any five

a. are I who know you do you know ? 

b. one summer a make not swallow does

c. for long I have known him a time

d. morning he up gets the in early

e. swim how know not he to does  ?          

f. book whose this is?

g. there anyone help is me to?

h. late why you are?

i. know you do the answer?

j. do I not his know name.

k. every delicious father cooks evening pasta at

l. brother an wants be my astronaut to be

m. everything will sense make perfect someday.

n. at top voice, the man his of demanded the admitted shouting.

o. you where have this all while been?

 Correct answer:

 a. Do you know who are you?

b. one summer does not make a swallow.

c. for a long time I have known him

d. He gets up early in the morning

e.  Does he know how to swim?

f. Whose book is this?

g. Is there anybody help to me?

h. Why are you late?

i. Do you know the answer/

j. Do not I know his name?

k. Every father cooks delicious past at evening. 

l. My brother wants to be an astronaut

m. Somebody will make sense perfectly

n. The admitted man shouting at the top of his voice

o. Where will you been a while? 

5. use article in the following passage:

(a)-Sangsad Bhabon of Bangladesh is situated  at She-e- Bangla Nagar. It is (b)- wonder of modern architecture and technology. It is one of (c)- largest building in (d)-world. It was designed by a famous architect named Louis I Khan. He was (e)- American.

b. One day I was going to (a)- Dhaka University . on (b)- way I met with a boy. (c)- boy was very poor. He showed me (d)- application. I went through the application. I gave him (e)- one hundred taka note.

Correct Answer: 

a:  The, a/the, the, the, an

b: the, the, the , an, a

  •  6. Punctuate and capitalize the following passage:-
  • a .climate change has already started bringing disasters to Bangladesh we remember the damage caused by the aila in 2009 climate change victims are increasing in number everyday
  • b. William wordsworth was born at cochermoth in 1770 he went to st. john college Cambridge in 1787 he was attracted by the ideals of the france revulation after coming back from france he settle down with his sister Dorothy and poet Coleridge at alfoxden

  • c.I see that you’re in  the habit of eating a heavy leancheon im sure it’s a mistake why don’t follow my example and just eat one thing im sure youd feel ever so much better for it.

7. Change the following words as directed and make sentences with the changed words (any five)

Friendship (adjective), nature (adjective), divide (n), success (v), apply (n), power (v), pride (adj), remove (n), creation (v), Choice (adj), history (adv), possible (n), nation (adj) life (v), consider (n), drive (n), arrival (v), accept (n), appreciate (n),society (adj), examinee (v), courage (v), advice (v)


8.. Supply a suitable word to fill in the blank in each of the following sentences:

a. She is intelligent –to answer my question.

b. Death is preferable- disgrace.

c. It is all the same – you go or not.

d Idleness is the –of all evils.

e. He is not –intelligent as you.

f. It is a pen-I bought yesterday.

g .I am pond of- .

h. He does not know how to –

i .I would –use his car.

j. A drowning man catches at- .

k. I saw him-

l. neither Rina-her sister is responsible 

m. I prefer-read than write

n. Stay here-I came

o. Read regularly –you should fail in the exam. 

Correct Answer:

a. to

b. than/to 

c. to

d. same/ worst 

e. as

f. which

g. you

h. swim

i. rather

j. a straw

k. going

l. nor

m. to/than 

n. until

o. lest

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