BCS// Idioms and Phrases//


BCS// Idioms and Phrases//

                BCS Exam// Idioms and Phrases 

01. “Achilles hell” = a week point

02."A stitch in time saves nine"--- timely action

03. “Nouveau riche” --: new rich

04."The maiden speech" = first speech

05."Call to mind" =remember

06."Take into account"= consider

07."Put up with"=tolerate

08.– "Global weather''-:in contrast to

09."To end in smoke"-to come to nothing

10."To keep ones head"- to keep clam

11."To put cart before the horse"-to reverse the natural order of things

12."To read between the lines"-to grasp the hidden meaning

13."The horror movie scared them out of their"--: wits

14.The bed news struck him like "A bolt from the--: blue

15."To get along with" -: to adjust

16."Bring to pass":=cause to happen

17.Every drive must be held—his own actions: responsible for

18.'Through thick and thin'' -:under all conditions

19."Prior to" -: before

20. "White elephant" -: a very costly or troublesome possession

Other Post   https://www.patwaryacademy.com/2022/11/suitable-preposition-for-hsc.html

21."Out and out" -: thoroughly

22.The expression "After one’s own heart" -: to one’s own liking

23.I decided to go ____ with my friend as I needed some exercise--: for a walk

24."Maiden speech" --: first speech

25. "A person whose head is in the clouds" -: a day dreamer

26. "Swan song"-: last work

27."Dilly dally" =: waste time

28. "All in" -: he is very tried

29."Bill of fare" -: a list of dishes at a restaurant

30."A bull market"=: rising

31."Blue chips" -: industrial shares considered to be a safe investment

32. "Bottom line": the essential point

33."A speech full of too many words"-: a verbose speech

34."To meet trouble half-way" means-: to be puzzled

35. "A rounds dozen"-: a full dozen

36. “Soft soap” ---: flatter for self motives

37.“dog days”-----: hot weather

38.“a slow coach”-------: a very lazy person

39.“hold water” ----: bear examination

Other Post  https://www.patwaryacademy.com/2022/11/class-hscfinal-model-test-sub-english-1.html









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