Writing Paragraph, (by listening/description) ,within 200 words. For HSC Examination 2025


Writing Paragraph, (by listening/description) ,within 200 words. For HSC Examination 2025

Writing Paragraph (by listening/description) within 200 words. For HSC Examination 2025

1.      1.  The importance of Female Education.

2.       2.Positive and negative impact of Face book.

3.        3. Book fair

4.       4. Food Adulteration/ Indiscriminate use of formalin

5.       5.Merit and demerit of Mobile Phone

6.       6. Drug addiction

8.        7.The Celebration of Pahela Boishakh

9.        8.  Our National Flag

9. Dowry System

10. Indiscrimination of Cutting trees

11.Childhood Memories

12.Your Favorite Hobby

13.Bangabandhu Satellite

14. Environment Pollution






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