Class HSC// English 1st paper// Unit 09, Lesson 2 // Elizabethan



Class HSC// English 1st paper// Unit 09, Lesson 2 // Elizabethan

Unit=9, Lesson=2

Elizabeth spent thirty pounds on summer frocks and set sail immediately. The ship heralded by rolling porpoises ploughed across the Mediterranean and down the canal into a sea of staring enamel-like blue then out into the green waste of the Indian Ocean, where flocks of flying fish skimmed in terror from the approaching hull. At night the waters were phosphorescent and the wash of the bow was like a moving arrowhead of green fire. Elizabeth loved the life on board ship…… she was going to love India she knew. She had formed quite a picture of India from the other passengers conversation; she had even learned some of the more necessary Hindustani phrases, such as dither au, jade sahib log etc. in anticipation she tasted the agreeable atmosphere of clubs with punkish flapping and bare-footed white turbaned boys reverently salaaming; and medians where bronze Englishmen with little clipped moustaches galloped to and for, whacking polo balls. It was almost as nice as being really rich the way people lived in India. They sailed into Colombo through green glassy waters where turtles and black snakes floated basking. A fleet of sampans came reaching out to meet the ship propelled by coal-black men with lips stained redder than blood by betel juice. They yelled and struggled round the gangway while the passengers descended. As Elizabeth and her friends came down two sampan-Wallis their prows nosing against the gangway besought them with yells.

Don’t you go with him missies! Not with him! Bad wicked man he not fit taking missies!

Don’t you listen him lies missies! Nasty low fellow! Nasty low tricks him playing. Nasty native tricks! Ha ha! He is not native himself! Oh no! Him European man white skin all same missies. Ha ha! Stop your bat you two or I’ll fetch one of you a kick, said the husband of Elizabeth’s friend-he was a planter. They stepped into one of the sampans and were road towards the sun-bright quays. And the successful sampan-Wallach turned and discharged at his rival a mouthful of spittle which he must have been saving up for a very long time.

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   Choose  the best answer following alternatives:

1.      How did Elizabeth take the journey by ship?

a.      Sadly

b.      Badly

c.       Enjoying

d.      Boring

2.      The word approach mentioned in the passage means------------

a.       Leave

b.      .Go far

c.       Contact

d.      Come closer

3.       The word sail mentioned in the passage means----------------------

a.      Disembark

b.      Embark

c.       Land

d.      Alight

4.      The word terror mentioned in the passage means---------------------------

a.      Joy

b.      Fear

c.       Courage

d.      Confidence

5.      How did she know about India?

a.      By reading books

b.      By reading magazines

c.       From other passengers discussion

d.      From Abdul

6.      The European people are------------------------------

a.      Black

b.      White

c.       Light red

d.      Light black

7.      The word immediately mentioned in the passage means---------------------------

a.      Instantly

b.      Slowly

c.       Lately

     8.    How did they sail to Colombo?

a.      Through glassy waters

b.      Through green waters

c.       Through Mediterranean

d.      Through green glassy waters

    9. What was the husband of Elizabeth’s friend?

a.      A writer

b.      A farmer

c.       A reporter

d.      A dacoit

         10. The word skim mentioned in the passage means------------------------

a.      Jump

b.      Dive

c.       Swim

d.      Fly

        11 .The words nasty mentioned in the passage means----------------------

a.      Spiteful

b.      Nice

c.       Sweet

d.      Decent

       12.. The word discharge mentioned in the passage means--------------------------

a.      Absorb

b.      Oust

c.       Let in

d.      Clear

      13. The word successful mentioned in the passage means------------------------

a.      Fortunate

b.      Fruitless

c.       Hopeless

d.      Defeatist

    14.The word quay mentioned in the passage means-----------------------

a.      Station

b.      Terminal

c.       Jetty

d.      Depot

  15. The word step mentioned in the passage means-----------------------

a.      Jump

b.      Tread

c.       Run

d.      Quite

16. The word trick mentioned in the passage means----------------------------

a.      Real

b.      Genuine

c.       Fraud

d.      Original

        17. The word descend mentioned in the passage means-------------------

a.      Ascend

b.      Rise

c.       Get into

d.      Come down

18. The word gangway mentioned in the passage means-----------------

a.      Lane

b.      Road

c.       Walkway

d.      Goal

19. The word yell mentioned in the passage means-----------------------------

a.      Scream

b.      Whisper

c.       Mutter

d.      Mumble

20. The word propel mentioned in the passage means--------------------------

a.      Swim

b.      Drive

c.       Move

d.      Dive

21. Glassy mentioned in the passage means------------------------------

a.      Dull

b.      Gloomy

c.       Heavy

d.      Shiny

The correct answer are in bold

Other post


2. Answer the following questions:

a.        What were the phrases in the text used to describe the sea and ocean?

b.        What are the skin missies?

c.         What was the successful man?

d.        What was Elizabethan friend?

e. Describe the things Elizabeth learnt from the other passenger’s conversation

              f. What was the action of the successful sampan –Wallach?

               G .What was the agreeable atmosphere of Clubs tasted in anticipation?

               h. How did they sail into Colombo? What did they see?

              i.  What did Elizabeth buy before setting sail?. How much did she spend on it?

              j.  Where did Elizabeth find flocks of flying fish?

              k. What came reaching out to meet the ship?




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