Final suggestion of Graph Chart/ Pie-chart for HSC examination 2023


                    English 1st paper:

Final suggestion of Graph Chart/ Pie-chart for HSC examination 2023

1. National income of per capita of some Asian countries.
2. Causes of air pollution of different sources of Dhaka City.*******
3. Population Growth Rate.***
4. The percentage of the type of books in a college library.**
5. Price Hike.
6. College students in different areas of our country spend for pastime/allocation.*******
7. Mobile Phone/internet  users in Bangladesh.*****
8. Mortality rate in Bangladesh.
9.  Literacy rate in some countries.****
10. Different profession in educated people.*********
11. Different type of transportation used by students.***
12. Poverty line in Bangladesh.**
13. Family income.
14. GPA + in the exam.
15. Impact of CoVid-19
16. Educated rate in Bangladesh.
17. Family activities.
18. Women entrepreneur in Bangladesh.
19. Household income.
20. The sources of electricity in Bangladesh.

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