Unit : 12// Lesson: 3// Civic Engagement // HSC // English 1st paper// Civic Engagement

Unit : 12//  Lesson: 3// Civic Engagement // HSC // English 1st paper// Civic Engagement

                         Civic Engagement .

                           Unit : 12, Lesson: 3

Learner’s civic engagement is highly appreciated all over the world. Civic engagement means working to make a difference in the civic life (the public life of the citizen as contrasted with private or personal life of the community by contributing to the improvement of health and wellbeing of the people.

Civically engaged individuals recognize themselves as members of a larger social community and are concerned about civic issues. They consider themselves responsible citizen who take action or raise their voices against injustice, discrimination and other forms of social ills.

In civic engagement, issues of public concern are crucial. Civic engagement includes individual or group activities to protect public interest and change the way the community values itself. For example if you are protesting against any unjust diction of the local municipality such as raising takes or an act that  might work against peoples interest, you are civically engaged and your action is considered a civic engagement. The protest can be done in different ways such as organizing rallies, collecting signatures’, making human chains writing petitions etc. you can also help control traffic in front of a school, help children to cross the rods, work in a team to clean a park or a sea beach. You can also give some services to elderly people. These are all examples of civic engagement as what you do directly affects the community

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Choose the best answer following alternatives:

a.      True education tries to

1.       Gear up individually

2.      Outspread human quality

3.      Brought positive change

4.      Inspire to learning

b.     Education remains incomplete

1.      Without a grade

2.      Without commitment to society

3.      Until getting a good job

4.      Till being confidence

c.        ILUMINATE does not mean

1.      Enlighten

2.      Brighten

3.      Kindle

4.      Obscure

d.     One must apply knowledge

1.      Physically

2.      Pragmatically

3.      Professionally

4.      Passionately

e.       The world that lies outside refers to the

1.      Space beyond home

2.      Space outside institutions

3.      Space of living

4.      Space around the world

f.          Civic engagement is essential for a

1.      Standards community

2.      Improve cooperation

3.      Better communication

4.      Strengthen personality

g.      The word society can be synonymous to

1.      Civic

2.      Community

3.      People

4.      Country

h.     Civic issues are opposite to

1.      National crisis

2.      Social problems

3.      Personal problem

4.      Communal issues

i.            The phrase take action against means

1.      To resist

2.      To reform

3.      To engage

4.      To develop

j.            Concerned people involve in

1.      Social ills

2.      Social reformation

3.      Civil society

4.      Public nuisance

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