rearrange// English 1st paper// 2016-2023 // Board questions

rearrange// English 1st paper// 2016-2023 // Board questions


                              Board questions

6. Rearrange the following sentence o make a coherent order.

Dhaka board-17
(a) then he invited applications.
(b) the applicants were asked to meet the sultan one by one.
(c) long ago there lived a sultan in a country.
(d) then he found the desired man.
(e) he wanted to appointment an honest man as his tax collector.
(f) a number of people applied for the job.
(g) all the applicants blushed and refused except one
(h) so, he asked for the wise counselors advise.
(i) when they all arrived, the sultan asked them to dance
(j) they come through a passage where gold coins were kept.
Ans: C+e+h+a+f+b+j+i+g+d
Rajshahi board—17
a.       a) As a result he studied under a great thinker plato.
b.      b) He also wrote books on biology, literature, economics and comparative politics.
c.       c) Plato tough Aristotle according to his own way.
d.      d) Aristotle was born in Greece.
e.      e) His father wanted him to be a physician but he never cherished to be so.
f.        Later on, Aristotle took the pen to write on topic suitable fo human  civilization.
g.      He is called the father of biology because of his creativity.
h.      Politics is one of his famous books which exposes fullest development of his wisdom.
i.        He was the son of a royal physician.
j.        He wanted t be a free thinker.
Correct Answer:  d+i+d+e+j+c+f+h+b+g
 Joshore board—17
a.      He asked him where god was.
b.      He praised him highly.
c.       Once a lad went to a famous teacher.
d.      The teacher thought highly of the boys understanding.
e.      The lad replied that he would answer if he would tell where he is not.
f.        The boy devoted himself in earning knowledge.
g.      He bagged to instruct him in the arts and sciences.
h.      He agreed to teach the lad.
i.        He had expressed his desire to acquire knowledge.
j.        The teacher wished to find out the ability of the boy.
Correct Answer: C+i+G+j+a+e+d+b+h+f
 Chattogram board—17
a.      He was one of the most renewed linguists of Bangladesh.
b.      He died in 6 and we remember his with respect.
c.       He was 2nd to none in Bengali language and literature.
d.      Dr. Mohammad Shahidullah was born in 24 pogona west bangle in 1885.
e.      He joined Jashore zilla school in 1910
f.        He passed the entrance and FA exam in1904 and 1906.
g.      He received some awards and contributed much to Bengali literature.
h.      He passed hons. And M.A. in 1910 and 1912.
i.        He joined Dhaka university as a lecturer in Bengali in 1021.
j.        He got his Ph.D. in 1928.
Correct Answer: d+f+e+h+i+j+c+a+g+b
Cumilla board—17
(a)               As Bagerhat is near the bay of bangle, the water is usually saline.
(b)               Khan jahan ali was a philanthropic man.
(c)                He , therefore, excavated many tanks to provide fresh water to the people.
(d)               He come to Bagerhat to preach Islam and to promote the plight of common people.
(e)                He found Bagerhat basest with many problems
(f)                 His memory will never be sunk into oblivion.
(g)               Thu he redresses the problem of drinking water.
(h)               The scarcity of drinking water is one of them.
(i)                 The people of Bagerhat remember him with great respect.
(j)                 Gohar dighi is one of them.

Sylhet board=17
a.      One prize is awarded in each field.
b.      The prize is institude by a man who was the inventor of the science of destruction.
c.       Nobel prize is the world most important prize.
d.      He is Alfred Bernard nobel.
e.      Through he is a citizen of Sweden, he was educated in russia.
f.        Nobel prize are awarded every one for outstanding achievement in the field of science, literature and for promting world peace.
g.      The prize is given to persons with most outstanding contribution.
h.      If there are more than one recipient of the prize in one field the prize money is equally distribute amongst all the winners.
i.        Economics was added in the list in 16 for the 1st time.
He was born in Stockholm on 21st October, 1833 and he died on 10th December 186.
Ans C+g+b+d+j+e+f+i+a|+h
Barisal board=17
a.      A number of people applied for the job.
b.      Once there lived a sultan in a country.
c.       They came through a passage where gold coins were kept
d.      Then he found the disered man.
e.      When they all arrived the sultan asked them to dance.
f.        He wanted to appoint an honest man as his tax collector.
g.      All the applicants blushed and refused except one.
h.      The applicants were asked to meet th sultan one by ne.
i.        So he asked for the wise counselors advice.
j.        Then he invited applications.
Dinajpur board—17
i)                                ”please let me go to my country”.
ii)                              An English boy was making a small boat.
iii)                            “I shall cross the sea and go to my country by this board”.
iv)                            He made all arrangements’ to send him to his country.
v)                              Suddenly he noticed a wonderful thing.
vi)                            Napoleon was charmed by the words for the small boy.
vii)                          “I haven’t seen my country is on the other side of the sea.”
viii)                        One day napoleon, the king of France, was walking along the sea shore.
ix)                            The boy was brought before him and he asked him what he would do with such a small boat.
x)                              The boy was brought before him and he asked him what he would do with such a small boat.
   Cumilla board--`2018 k set)
i)                    In 1880, Rabindranath was called back to India.
ii)                  He was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1913 for this Gitanjali.
iii)                He returned home without any questions of distinction.
iv)                He wrote gitanjali, a collection of Bengali sons of superior quality.
v)                  Robindranath Tagore ore, the 14th child of debendranath and sarada devi Tagore, was born in 1861 in a respectable family at jorasako in Kolkata.
vi)                At the age of seventeen, in 1978 he reached London to attend school.
vii)              He went to school early and wrote his first verse at the age of eight.
viii)            The experience had a lasting effect on his later life.
ix)                However he never gave up his habit of writing poetry.
He gathered much experienced from his stay in London.
Correct Answer:
HSC exam Kha set) 2028
i)                                They were aliens in their own country and where subjected to all sons of indignities.
ii)                              The blacks were treated cruelly.
iii)                            The great leader vowed to put an end to the inhuman practice.
iv)                            They were denied all basic human rights.
v)                              Even dogs received a much better treatment than the blacks.
vi)                            Eventually, the great leader realized the goal of liberating his own people.
vii)                          He was thrown behind the prison bar.
viii)                        Nelson Mandela was the greatest leader of the South Africa.
ix)                            But the oppressive rules could not break  the spirit.
x)                              In fact, he was one of the greatest leaders of the world who struggled against apartheid throughout his whole life.
Correct Answer: viii+x+ii+iv+i+v+iii+vii+ix+vi
Dhaka board--19
i)                    all the servants were called and interrogated.
ii)                  In order to find out the thief, the judge chalked out an intelligent plan.
iii)                Once a gold necklace was lost from a rich man’s house.
iv)                The servants were summoned to the court but they denied having stolen the necklace.
v)                  When the servants came to the court the next day, the thief had already cut off an inch of his stick.
vi)                But nobody confessed their guilt.
vii)              So we owner of the house lodged a complaint in the court.
viii)            The judge found one of the sticks shorter than the others and in this way he could easily catch the thief.
ix)                Naturally it was suspected that one of the servants’ had stolen the necklace.
x)                  He gave each of the suspects a stick of equal length and said that one of the sticks would increase by an inch the next day.
Correct Answer: Iii+ix+i+vi+vii+iv+ii+x+v+viii
Jashore board—19
(a)                The king was fond of knowing his future form the astrologer.
(b)               The king called him to the place.
(c)                At this the king got furious and condemned him to death.
(d)               A good astrologer visited the capital of the king.
(e)               Once there was a king.
(f)                 With ready wit he said, the starts declare that I’ll die only a week before your death.
(g)               But another thought crossed his mind before the astrologer was remove for execution.
(h)               The king then asked how long would you live?
(i)                 The astrologer told something very unpleasant.
He then threw for a while some ways of escape.
Correct Answer: E+a+d+b+i+c+g=h+j+f
Shylet board—19
i)                    One day he was very hungry.
ii)                  The grapes were too high for him to reach.
iii)                Again and again he jumped.
iv)                At last the entered into a vineyard.
v)                  Once upon a time there lived a fox in a forest.
vi)                But each time, he failed to reach the raps.
vii)              At last being tired he went away saying that the grapes were sour.
viii)            He took a run and jumped to reach the bunch of grapes but could not reach it.
ix)                He searched food everywhere but he did not get any food.
x)                  There were ripe grapes hanging up on the vine.
Correct Answer: V+i+ix+iv+x+ii+viii+iii+vi+vii
Barishal board—19
i)                    The last words of the speech are: "government of the people, by the people for the people shall not perish from the earth.”
ii)                  Abraham Lincoln was the president of the United States of America.
iii)                On the 10th November 1863, a railway train was carrying him to a place called Gettysburg.
iv)                It is one of the finest and shortest speeches in English language.
v)                  He was going there to speak at a meeting.
vi)                On the envelop, it was what he was going to say at the meeting.
vii)              These words tell us what the best possible way of ruling a country is.
viii)            He was not writing on a paper, but on the back of an envelope.
ix)                In the train he was busy with writing something.
In fact, the speech on the envelop is now famous as “Gettysburg address”.
Dinajpur board—19
i)                    During his stay he received an unpaid letter from his friend, which contained nothing but some words.
ii)                  With a great hope in mind, he opened the box.
iii)                He wanted to teach his friend a good lesson.
iv)                An English poet was staying in Italy for the benefit of his health.
v)                  To his utter surprise he found nothing but an ordinary stone.
vi)                Thus the poet taught his friend a good lesson.
vii)              So, he procured a heavy stone and packed it up in a fine box.
viii)            His friend thought that the contents of the parcel were valuable, so, he paid the heavy charge for crying.
ix)                The poet had to pay double postage, so, he became very annoyed.
x)                  Then he sent it to his friend with the words on it “carring to be paid on delivery.”
Dhaka board—22
a.      he asked him where god is.
b.      Once a lad went to a famous teacher.
c.       The teacher thought highly of the boys understanding.
d.      The lad replied that he would answer if he would tell where he is not.
e.      He bagged to instruct him in the arts and science.
f.        He urged to teach the led.
g.      He expressed his desire to acquire knowledge.
h.      The teacher wished to find out    the ability of the boy.
Correct Answer: b+g+e+h+a+d+c+f
Rajshahi board—22
a.      A number of people applied for the job.
b.      They came through a passage where gold coins were kept.
c.       Once there lived a sultan in a country.
d.      Then he invited applications.
e.      When they all arrived, the sultan asked them to dance.
f.        He wanted to applicants were asked to meet the sultan one by one.
g.      The applicants were asked to meet the sultan one by one.
h.      So, he asked lor the wise counselors advice.
Correct answer: c+f+h+d+a+b+c
Jashore board—22
a.      MRT line—6 is the first line to be approved from uttara to Motijheel covering a length of 20km.
b.      This project is being developed by the Dhaka mass transit company.
c.       Moreover, this metro rail project will age 16 elevated stations in total.
d.      Indeed, the initiative will uplift the traffic system to an internationally advanced level.
e.      It is projected to serve 60,000 passengers per hour.
f.        The Dhaka metro rail project is a wise and farsighted initiative by the current government.
g.      It will also reduce the existing traffic jams to a great exten.
h.      A total of five lines, MRT1,2,4,5, and 6 have been proposed for this project.
Correct Answer: f+d+g+b+e+h+c+a
Cumilla board22
a.       In14, Mandela was elected as the first black president of Africa.
b.      After passing nearly three decades, he was freed.
c.       Nelson Mandela the black leader understood the fact.
d.      Finally he left his public life in 2004 and worldly life in 2013.
e.      While domination in south Africa was a very inhuman practice.
f.        So, he was arrested and sent behind the prison bar.
g.      He raised his voice against the cruelties of apartheid.
h.      The white African leader F.W. de clerks negotiated the end of racism.
Correct Answer: e+c+g+f+b+h+a+d

Chottogram board=22
a.      He wrote a lot of poems, songs-gazals, short stories, poems, novels etc.
b.      He lost his father at the age of 8 and at the age of eleven he showed his poetic genius.
c.       At the age of nineteen, he joined the army as an ordinary soldier to the fight in the 1st world war.
d.      On his return from the battlefield he gave up the sword for the pen.
e.      It was tragic that he had been suffering from a fatal disease science 142 and remained paralyzed for the rest of his life.
f.        In 124 he married Promila in Kolkata.
g.      Bangladesh became independent in 1971 and he was brought to Bangladesh from Kolkata in 1972
h.      Kazi Nazrul Islam was born in 1899 in the district  of Burdwan in west bangle.
Correct Answer: h+b+c+d+a+f+e+g
Sylhet board= 22
a.      Due to the drastic change, people cannot decide what appropriately to do to fight this danger.
b.      We are witnessing a serious education crisis that was once beyond imagination.
c.       Because of the inconceivable covid19 diseur, the entire world is passing a very difficult time.
d.      They also find difficulties keeping pace with this change.
e.      This disaster has changed the world scenario drastically.
f.        The hope is that with the problems, some prospects are also appearing.
g.      Our education sector is undergoing the same critical condition.
h.      However there is a ray hope.
Correct Answer: c+e+a+d+g+b+h+f
Barishal board=22
a.      Haji Mohsin took him to another room and opened a box.
b.      Haji Mohsin woke up and caught hold of the thief.
c.       The box was full of gold and money
d.      He took pity with the poor man.
e.      He was famous for his kindness.
f.        Hazi mohsin helped the poor and the helpless people with food and clothes.
g.      A thief entered into his bedroom one night.
h.      The man said sir I am very poor I have no food in my house.
Correct Answer:  f+e+g+b+h+d+a+c
Dinajpur board=22
a.      He died on august 2, 176 and was buried in the compound of Dhaka university.
b.      He wrote a lot of poems, songs, ghazals, short stories, novels, etc.
c.       He lost his father at the age of eight and at the age of eleven he showed his petic genius.
d.       At the age of nineteen, he joined the army as an ordinary soldier but after the 1st world war he gave up the sword for the pen.
e.      It was tragic that he had been suffering from a cruel disease since 1942 and remaind paralyzed for the rest of his life.
f.        Bangladesh become independent in 1971 and he was brought to Bangladesh from Kolkata in 1972.
g.      Kazi Nazrul Islam was born in 1899 in the district of burdwan in west Bangladesh.
h.      Then he was declared our national poet by the government of Bangladesh.
Correct Answer: g+c+d+b+e+f+h+a
Mymenshing board=22
a.      As Bagerhat is near the bay of Bengal the water is usually saline.
b.      Khan jahan ali was a philanthropic man.
c.       He therefore excavated many tanks to provide fresh water to the people.
d.      He comes to bagerhat to preach islam and to promote the plight of common people.
e.      He found bagerhat beset with many problems.
f.        His memory will never be sunk into oblivion.
g.      Thus he redressed the problem of drinking water.
h.      The scarcity of drinking water is one of them.
Correct Answer: b+d+e+h+a+c+g+f
Dhaka Board23:
a)                  “Where is my son?” asked the grocer.
b)                 Then one day, the fruit seller said the grocer, ”I am going to the town to do some shopping. Please, send your son with me to carry my things.”
c)                  The grocer said, “ The mice ate away your balance and wight. So, I can’t return you.”
d)                 “A crow carried your son away,” replied the fruit seller.
e)                  One day, a grocer borrowed a balance and weights from a fruit seller.
f)                   The grocer sent his son with the fruit seller but he came back alone from the town.
g)                 “You liar! How can a crow carry such a big boy?” The grocer shouted angrily.
h)                 The lame excuse of the dishonest grocer made  the fruit seller very angry. But he checked his tamper.
i)                    “Just the same away as mice can eat the balance and weights,” said the fruit seller.
j)                    After a few days, the fruit seller asked the grocer to return his balance and weights.
Correct Anwer: e+j+c+h+b+f+a+d+g+i
Mymenshing Board=23
A)                 He used to interesting stories to the people of the village.
B)                 He never spoke the rest of t he life.
C)                 His name was Nambi.
D)                He lived in a temple of the edge of  the village and passed his time under the banyan tree in front of the temple.
E)                  Before telling a story, he used to light a lamp in front of the tree.
F)                  There was a remote village named Somal.
G)                One day, he could not continue his story.
H)                After a few days, he called the villagers and told them something.
I)                    He was so ignorant that he could not tell his age, but he could make up stories.
J)                   The villagers were enchanted by a man.
Correct Answer: f+j+c+d+i+a+e+g+h+b
Cumilla Board=23
a)                  He was one of the most renowned linguists of Bangladesh.
b)                 He died in 1969 and remembers him with respect.
c)                  He was second to in Bangali language and literature.
d)                 Dr. Mohammad Shahidullah was born in 24 Pogonas, west  Bengal 1885.
e)                  He joined Jashore Zilla School in 1908.
f)                   He passed the Entrance and FA Exam in 1910 and 1906.
g)                 He received some awards and contributed much to Bangla literature.
h)                 He passed Honours and Masters in 1910 and 1912.
i)                    He joined Dhaka University as a Lecture in 1912.
j)                    He got his PhDin 1928.
Correct Answer: c+i+g+a+e+d+b+h+f
Rajshahi board=23
a)                  One day, he was very hungry.
b)                 The grapes were too high for him to reach.
c)                  Again and again he jumed.
d)                 At last, he entered into a vineyered.
e)                  Once upon a time, there lived a fox in forest.
f)                   But each time, he failed to reach the grapes.
g)                 At last being tired, he went to saying that the grapes were sour.
h)                 He took a run and jumped to reach the bunch of grapes but could not reach it.
i)                    He searched food everywhere, but he did not get any food.
j)                    There were ripe grapes hanging up on the vine.
Correct Answer: c+f+h+d+a+g+b+e
Dinajpur Board=23
a)                   The dug the hole, killed the snake, and took the necklace.
b)                 The crow at last thought of a plan to get rid of its enemy.
c)                  It stole an expensive necklace of the princess from the royal palace and dropped it into the snake’s hole after scatting a few rubies here and there.
d)                 A snake lived in a hole at the foot of a tree.
e)                  The king became very angry at the loss and sent out men to look for the necklace.
f)                   High up on its branches was the nest of a crow.
g)                 In this way, the snake ate up three of the chicks.
h)                 IN course of time, they noticed the scattered rubies near the hole.
i)                    The crow had four young chicks in its nest.
j)                    Whenever the crow would leave the nest to bring food for its chicks, the snake would climb up eat one.
Correct Answer:   i+e+b+j+h+c+f+d
Jashore Board=2323
a)                  Then he invited applications.
b)                 The applications were asked to meet the Sultan one by one.
c)                  Long ago, there lived a Sultan in a country.
d)                 Then the sultan found desired man.
e)                  He wanted to appointed in honest man as his six collector.
f)                   A number of people applied for the job.
g)                 All the applicants blushed and refused except one.
h)                 So, he asked for the wise counselors’ advise.
i)                    When they arrived, the sultan asked them to dance.
j)                    They came through a passage where gold coins were kept.
Correct Answer: c+i+g+j+a+e+d+b+h+f
Chattogram Board= 23
a)                  He asked him where God is.
b)                 He praised him highly.
c)                  Once, a lad went to a famous teacher.
d)                 The teacher thought highly of he boy’s understanding.
e)                  The lad replied that he would answer if he would tell where he is not.
f)                   They boy devoted himself in earning knowledge.
g)                 He bagged to instruct him in the arts and science.
h)                 He agreed to teach the lad.
i)                    He expressed his desire to acquire knowledge.
j)                    The teacher wished to find out the ability of the boy.
Correct Answer: d+f+h+i+j+c+a+f+b
Sylhet Board=23
a)                  The grapes were too high for him to reach.
b)                 One day, he was very hungry.
c)                  Again and again he jumped.
d)                 At last, he entered into a vineyard.
e)                  Once upon a time, there lived a fox in a forest.
f)                   At last being tired, he went away saying that grapes but could not reach it.
g)                 But each time, he failed to reach the grapes.
h)                 He  took a run and jumped to reach the bunch of grapes but could not reach it.
i)                    He searched for food everywhere, but he did not get any food.
j)                    There were ripe grapes hanging up on  the vine.
Correct Answer; e+b+i+d+j+a+h+c+g+f
Barishal Board=23
a)                  As a result, he studied under a great thinker Plato.
b)                He also wrote books on Biology, Literature, Economics and Comparative Politics.
c)                 Plato taught Aristotle according to his own way.
d)                Aristotle was born in Greece.
e)                 His father wanted him to be a physician, but he never cherished to be so.
f)                  Later on, Aristotle took the pen to write on topics suitable for human civilization.
g)                He is called the father of Biology because of his creativity.
h)                “Politics’’ is one of his famous books which expose fullest development of his wisdom.
i)                   He wanted to be a free thinker.
j)                   He was the son of a royal physician.
Correct Answer: d+j+e+i+a+c+f+h+b+g

এই পোস্টটি পরিচিতদের সাথে শেয়ার করুন

পূর্বের পোস্ট দেখুন পরবর্তী পোস্ট দেখুন