Formal letter// Class HSC// English 2nd paper//

Formal letter// Class HSC// English 2nd paper//

                                                     Formal  letter:    

                                     Class HSC 

                                English 2nd paper

1.Suppose there is no common room/reading room in your college. For want of common room/reading room the students waste their leisure hours aimlessly. You are in need of a common room/reading room in your college. J,b=2012


Now write an application to your principal for opening room/reading room.

10 January 2015

The principal, x college, Dhaka.

Sub: For opening a common room/reading room


We, the students of your college, beg to draw your kind attention to the fact that we have been suffering greatly for want of a common room in our college. After attending three classes we feel the necessity of refreshing our boredom by gossiping among themselves or by reading a magazine or a newspaper or by playing indoor games since there is no common room, the students spend their recess either gossiping or roaming aimlessly. Hence you can easily realize the necessity of a common room.

In the circumstances stated above, we pray that would be kind enough to make necessary arrangement for opening a common room in our college considering the greater benefit of the students. We remain


Yours most obediently,

The students of your college.

Other Post  :

2.      Write an application to your principal seeking permission to organize an “English Debating Club”. D,B=2009,Cthg,b=2017,

12 April 2015

The Principal,

X college


Sub: For opening an English Debating club.


This is to inform you that we, the students of your college, are keenly interested to organize an English debating club in our college. It can give us an opportunity to expose our latent talent. Moreover, a debating club can prepare us to take part in different debating contests like National TV Debating Competition. That is why, we need to set up an English debating in our college. Our English teacher, Mr. Arif Jamil, has kindly confirm guide us.

We, therefore, hope that you would kindly take immediate steps to set up an English debating club in our college and oblige thereby.

Sincerely yours

Abid Khan

On the behalf the students of

X college, Feni.

3. Write an application to the principal of your college requesting him to open an English language club/ English Speaking Club in the college. Dij,B=2017

25 March 2017

The principal

Sirajgonj Gov. College, Sirajgonj.

Sub: For opening an English Language Club/English Speaking Club.

I have the honor to draw your kind attention to the fact that English being the global language has become very essential in all walks of our life. English is widely spoken all over the world. Multinational business organizations and many international co-operations ask for people who have god working knowledge of English. So, in order to get a good opening in the job market a person should be skilled both in written and spoken English. In this regard that our students are very weak in conventional English. An English language Club/ an English Speaking Club can help develop the conventional skill of the students.

In the circumstances, I would request you to set up an English Language Club/English Speaking Club in our college and fulfill our long our cherished dream.

Yours obediently,

Rina Moni,

On behalf of the students of Sirajgonj Gov. College.


4. Write an application to the principal of your college for admission on transfer certificate. B,B=2016,d,b=2017

25 April 2016

The Principal,

Cumilla Victoria College, Cumilla.

Sub: For admission on transfer certificate.


With due respect and humble submission, I would like to state that I want to get myself admitted to class xii in your school. Previously I was a student of Cumilla Zilla School. But my father’s recent transfer to Dhaka has resulted in shifting our family to Dhaka. We are now residing at Azimpur near school. My parents desire to get me admitted in your school. I have also a great fascination for your school for its brilliant results and great reputation. My transfer certificate and progress reports are enclosed herewith for your kind perusal.

I, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to allow me to get myself admitted in your school. I will remain ever grateful to you for your act of kindness.

Yours obediently,

Md. James


5. Write an application to the principal of your college for increasing library facilities.

14 October, 2023

The Principal,

Joynal Hazary College,  Feni.

Sub: Application for increasing library facilities.


I, on behalf of the students of our college, would like to draw your kind attention to the fact that the library facilities in our college are not sufficient. The library of books in the library; accommodation, library, hours, etc. cannot serve the students in the library. Again, accommodation inside the library and library hours need to be increased for the benefits of the students. Your kind consideration and co-operation in this respect will help us make good results in our HSC Exam.

May I therefore, hope that you would take necessary action to improve the library facilities and oblige thereby.

Yours sincerely.

On the behalf of the students of class xii,

Meherunnesa Arjue.


6.Write an application to your principal for a seat in your college hostel. B,B=2009,dnj,b=2010, d,b=2016

20 August, 2023

The Principal,

Eden Mohila College, Dhaka.

Sub: for a seat in the college hostel.


With due respect I beg to state that I am a student of class xii in your college. My father is a Government employee. Recently he has been transferred from Dhaka to Chittagong. Our family has already been there. I have been suffering much for want of accommodation. For this reason my studies are greatly hampered. Besides, I have no relatives in the city. So I am badly in need of a seat in the college hostel.

In this circumstances stated above. I pray and hope that your kind attention would be kind enough to allot me a seat in the college hostel and oblige thereby.

Your obediently student.

Farzana Akter.

7. Write an application to your Principal for increasing facilities in your college.

20 April, 2023

The Principal,


7. Write an application to your Principal for increasing facilities in your college.

20 April, 2023

The Principal,

Feni Polytechnic Institute, Feni.

Sub: Application for increasing facilities in the college common room.


With due respect, we the students of class xii, want to state that our college has a common room for the students. This room is spacious and airy but it tacks modern facilities. There are no fans and water supply in the room. Moreover, sitting arrangements are not sufficient. The condition becomes serious during hot summer days. We badly need distilled water facility n the common room.

Therefore, we hope that you would be kind enough to make the arrangements mentioned above and help solve this long standing problem.

Sincerely yours,

On the behalf of the students.




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