SSC Examination 2024 // English 1st paper: //Unit :5, lesson: 1,A, // Meherjan

SSC Examination 2024 // English 1st paper: //Unit :5, lesson: 1,A, // Meherjan

                               English 1st paper: 
                                                         Unit :5, lesson: 1,A

Read the passage and answer the questions 1 and 2.

Meherjan lives in a slum on the Sirajgonj Town Protection Embankment. Her polythene-roofed shelter looks like a case. She is nearly 45 but more than her age. In front of her shelter, she is trying to make a fire to cook the day’s only meal. Her weak hands tremble as she adds some fallen leaves and straw to the fire. The whispering wind from the river Jamuna makes the fire unsteady. The dancing of the flames reminds Meherjan of the turmoil in her life. Not long ago Meherjan had everything a family, cultivable land and cattle. The erosion of the Jamuna consumed all her landed property gradually. It finally claimed her only shelter during the last monsoon. It  took the river only a day to devour Maher's house, trees, vegetable garden and the bamboo bush. She had a happy family once. Over the years, she lost her husband and her family to diseases that cruel hanger and poverty brought to the family. Now, she is the only one left to live on with the loss and the pain. The greedy Jamuna has shattered her dreams and happiness.

There are thousand others waiting to share the same fate like Meherjan. Bangladesh is a land of rivers, some of whose banks overflow or erode during monsoon. Erosion is the harsh reality for the people who living along the river banks. During each monsoon may more villagers are threatened by mighty rivers like the Jamuna, the Padma and the Megna. It is estimated that river erosion makes at least 100,000 people homeless every year in Bangladesh. It fact, river erosion is one of the main dangers caused by climate change. If we can’t take prompt actions to adopt climate change, there will be thousands of more Meherjan s in our towns and villages every year.

Other Post : 21 February

Choose the best answer from the alternatives.

a)     The expression ‘dancing of the flames’ suggests that-

      i.      A flame that makes people dance around it.

     ii.     A flame that is made unstable by the blast

    iii.   A traditional form of folk dance.

    iv.    A flame reminding people of their past.

b)    The word ‘harsh’ could be replaced by –

  i.     Grim                         ii. Hazy

  Iii. indulgent                   iv. Soft

c)      Meherjan is a/an- woman.

            i) Auspicious                  ii. Well off

            iii. Wretched                    iv. Solvent

d)    The author’s purpose behind writing the passage is-

i.                    To portray the life and living of flood-affected people.

ii.                  To focus on the misery of the people living close to the big rivers.

iii.                To depict the misery of people living near roaring rivers.

iv.                To show the consequence of climate change.

e)     Which of the following has the closest meaning of the word ‘tremble’?

 i.  Stick                               ii. Soften

 Iii. harden                          iv. Quiver

f)      What is the main theme of the passage?

 i.   What do you know about Maherjan’s family?

 ii.   What does Meherjan use to make fire for cooking here meals?

 iii.  When does river erosion usually occur?

 iv.   How does river erosion usually occur?

g)    Which of the following statements is true about Meherjan?

  i.  is a prey to the anger of nature?

  ii.  Is a victim of river erosion?

  iii.  Has lost everything for her own fault

  iv.   Is a victim of season?

h)    Now, Meherjan is living on-

   i. Embankment               ii. Street

  Iii. tin made houses       iv. Brick built houses 

i)       What do you mean by ‘Whispering wind’? wind that-

   i.  Blow across the river.   Ii. Blow with a hissing sound

   iii. Helps someone to make a fire.

   iv. blows in winter

j)       What does the expression ‘Maherjan’s trembling hands mean?

i.      she is hard-working           ii. She is strong

iii. she is very weak               iv. She is active

   k. Meherjan is homeless because of-

            i. flood                                   ii. Selling of her house.

            iii. destruction of the house. Iv. The erosion of the Jamuna

l) What does the expression ‘The turmoil in her life’ in the 1st paragraph means?

         i. the dreams of her life.           Ii. The thunderstorm in her life.

         iii. The pleasure of life.           Iv. The pangs and pains of her life

  m) She is living – in her makeshift house now.

       i. with her relatives.                Ii. with her husband

        iii. alone                                iv. With her family

  n) Meherjan is now –

        i. city dweller                         ii. A destitute woman

        iii. a happy woman               iv. a well off woman

  o) Which of the following best describes the similarity between the Jamuna and the Padma in the light of the passage?

       i. Protein diet                           ii. Extinction of fish

       iii. largeness                            iv. Erosion

p) Which of the following statements the erosion for the people living along the river banks?

      i. Full of peace                            ii. Full of turmoil

     iii. full of happiness                     iv. Mixture of happiness and sadness.

q) What does the word ‘roar’ in the passage refer to?

       i. smile                                      ii. Cry

      iii. Moan                                   iv. To make a loud deep harsh sound

r) Which of the following is true about the victims of river erosion?

     i. The greedy Jamuna has nurtured the dreams of Meherjan.

     ii. About I million people render rootless.

      iii. Erosion is hardly a reality for the people living on the river banks.

      iv. The roaring rivers leave the role of making people homeless.

s. What does the expression ‘It took the river only a day to demolish Maher's house, trees, vegetable garden and the bamboo bush’ mean?

        i. The generosity of the river.   ii. The productivity of the river.

       iii. The peculiarity of the river.  iv. The severity of the river.

t. Meherjan is still alive and faces-

       i. dancing flames of her life.     Ii. Existences

       iii. never erosion                        iv. Loss and pain

u. once Meherjan had- condition.

       i. steady                                ii. Improved

       iii. improvised                     iv. well-off

v. The  ‘’shattered’’ stands for-

i.  Rebuked                        ii. Broke down

     iii. slogan                         iv. destruction

w. ‘The turmoil of her life’ means-

     i. anguish and agony of her life.  Ii. The causes of Maherjan’s distress.

     iii. the impact of climate change   iv .the suffering of natural disaster affected people.

x. ‘Over the year’ means-

      i. eventually             ii. Consequently

      iii. Slowly                iv. Utilized

y. ‘Riverbank erodes’ means-

      i. in one season           ii. In two seasons

      iii. Through the year       iv. In the three seasons

z. ‘Consumed’ means-

      i. spoiled                          ii. Utilized

      iii. devoured                    iv. Ravaged

Other Post : May Day

The correct answer of choose the best answer are in bold





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