Class Ten// SSC examination 2024// Pritilata Wadder //Unit 10., Lesson 3

Class Ten// SSC examination 2024// Pritilata Wadder //Unit 10., Lesson 3


                                                                    Unit: 10 (Lesson 3,)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following 1 & 2.

Pritilata was born in chattogram on 5 May 1911. She was a meritorious student at Dr Khastogir Government Girl’s School in Chattooga and Eden College, Dhaka. She finally graduated in philosophy with destination from Bethune College in Kolkata. In her collage days, Pitilata was an activist in the anti-British movement. All through her life, she dreamt of two things: a society without gender discrimination, and her motherland without British colonial rule. So she received combat training to fight against the British rule. Soon after. Pritilata became the head teacher of Nandankanon Aparna charan School in chattogram. Gradually she involved herself in Surja Sen’s armed resistance movement. Surja Sen was a famous anti-British movement organizer and activist at that time.

In 1932, Surja Sen planned an attack on Pahartoli European Club. The club was a famous for its notorious sign Dogs and Indians are not allowed. Surja Sen assigned Pritilata to led team an of 10-12 men to attack to the Club. The raid was successful but Pritilata dressed as a man to fail to get out to the club. Her committed suicide by taking cyanide to avoid arrest. She proved that women can work like men. She also proved that women to needed to be prepared to sacrifice their lives for the freedom from the British colonial rule. Her dream came true. The British rule came to an end though she couldn’t see it during her life.

1.                  Choose the best answer from the alternatives.

a.                  Which of the following has the closest meaning of the word ‘meritorious’ used in line 1?

i.   Dull                                                      ii. bad

ii.  Weak                                                    iv. Brilliant

b.                 Avoid could be best replaced by-

i.    Meet                                                     ii. Escape

ii.   Face                                                       iv. Respond

c.                  The word notorious in the passage stands for-

i.    Famous                                                 ii. Popular

ii.  Infamous                                               iv. prominent

d.                 Pritilata fought to free her motherland from-

i.  The British Colonial Rule                      ii.  socialism

iii. Dictatorship                                         iv. The Pakistani rule


e.                  Which of the following word describes the raid of the European club best?

i.     Postponed                                            ii. Fruitful

ii.  Unsuccessful                                         iv. abandoned

f.                   Which of the following statement is true about surja sen?

i.    Surja sen had an attacking force.

ii.   Surja sen had civil defense regiment

iii.  Surja sen had an armed resistance movement.

iv.   Surja sen had an regiment.

g.                 When was Pritilata an activist?

i.     After student life                                  ii. in serve life

ii.    Before student life                                  iv. dictatorship

h.                 Which of the following words is synonym of the word meritorious?

             i.   Lazy                                                        ii. Active

iii. Talented                                                 iv. industrious

      i.          Her birth place was- 

                   i.Dhaka                                                                 ii. Khulna

                    iii.  Kolkata                                                          iv. Chattogram

j.                    When did Surja Sen plan to attack Pahartali European Club?

               i.1936                                                                     ii. 1935

               iii 1933                                                                     iv.1932

k.                  What kind of society did she dream?

                i. Gender domination                                           ii. Male dominated

                ii Female dominated                                             iv. Gender discrimination free society

l.                    Surja Sen’s movement was- in nature-

         i.Violent                                                              ii. Peaceful

         iii non-violent                                                          iv. Unarmed movement

      m.         Pritilata died a/an-death.

                   i. normal                                                                  ii. paranormal

                   iii. matured                                                              iv. Premature

Choose the best answer are in bold 


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