HSC examination 2024// English 2nd paper// Test exam 2024// all examples


HSC examination 2024// English 2nd paper// Test exam 2024// all examples

                Test examination 2024

//                          examples   

                                                     Class HSC


            a. All are alike to Allah, the almighty. But sometimes we forgot it---------

b. My father wants me ---------- . But I want to be a doctor.

c. But for you cordial cooperation,---------

d. Sakib Al Hasan is an all rounder in the world cricket. But the ICC --------                  .

e. Mobile phone is a wonder of modern science. But,------

f.   Whenever he speaks in English --------- . But we learn through mistakes.

g.  Students should avoid adopting unfair in the examination. It may bring a good result for them, but ----                                                     

h. We were supposed to start our journey the next day. But it was so hot that                         .

i.     But -------       , are indifferent to this language.

j.     All of sudden, he came to me yesterday. But I was absent then --------

k. All employees want to be ------. But preference always remains everywhere.

l.     Whenever he speaks in English -------        . But it is natural that we learn through mistakes.

Other post: https://www.patwaryacademy.com/2022/12/use-modifier-for-hsc-examination-2023.html


a.       a. Though it was quite dark -----.But he did not recognize me.

b.       b. Even though I have a busy schedule             .

c.        c. Although she was tried                  .

d.       d.  Though Bangladesh is blessed with many rivers              .

e.        e. He was not gentle in his behavior. He -----as though I had not spoken at all.

f.        f. She got the job although-------

g.       g. I worked hard although---------            

h.        h. Though Bangladesh is small country-------. It is now the number one problem for he.

i.         i. She proceeded as though------. It was a matter of wonder.

j.          j. Though he is dull of hearing.                                  he can make a good result.

k.         k. Though he was brilliant, ----- he was very irregular in his college.

l.          l. Though he earns much                .

m.        m. Though he has a vast property,-----

n.         n. Though Farhan does no -----.Fahrabi, his name always reminds me Fahrabi.

o.         o. I worked heard although------            

p.         p. Though it is uncertain,------

q.         q. Though it rained yesterday, -------. There was an urgent task.

r.           r. Though the pen writes well, ------.I can’t afford to use it.

s.           s. Though Bangladesh is a small country------.We are proud of our world heritage sites.

t.            t. Rashid is a quack. He behaves as though---------


                               It is high time

a.             It is high time---------.

b.            Corruption is the main hindrance to development. It is high time --------

c.             Smoking is harmful to health. So, it is high time you-------.

d.            Illiteracy is an ignominy. I postpone the development activities of a country. So, it is high time we,--------

e.            Environment is polluted in many ways. It is high time------.

f.               Your father is looking for you. It is high time --------

g.             Patriotism is a noble virtue. It is high time  ----------

h.            There goes the proverb, `united we stand, divided we fall`. It is high time we --------

i.                 The final examination is knocking at the door. It is high time   --------

j.                Eve teasing is extremely worrying. It is time the government ----------

k.             It is high time ------.It is detrimental to health.

l.                 A section of dishonest traders is creating artificial crisis of essentials. It is high time the government----------.

m.          Water is polluted in many ways. It is high time -------------

n.            Reckless driving causes a lot of accidents. It is high time-----------.

o.            Food adulteration is a crime. It is high time -----------

p.            Some students adopt unfair means in the examination. It is high time -----------

q.            Nobody likes you here. It is time for you ------------

r.               It is high time you -------------. Otherwise you will be late.

other post https://www.patwaryacademy.com/2024/01/sentence-connector-class-nine-to-twelve.html


a.             If I had known earlier that the exam was to day,---------

b.            If they had started earlier,---------

c.             If I had been you -----------

d.            If they had got timely earthquake forecasting,----------

e.            I feel very bad headache. If ---------, I would continue my classes.

f.               Human body needs a balanced diet. If we take a balanced diet, it----------                           

g.             If I had the wings of a bird, I----------

h.            If I had a type writer, ---------.

i.                 If you heat water 100 C,------. Almost everyone knows the scientific truth.

j.                If you want to do better in the admission test,--------

k.             There was a little rain yesterday. If it rained heavily, --------                                                  .

l.                 Don’t worry. If I get time and scope, ---------.

m.       At that time I had no enough money. If I had enough money,------------.

n.            I am not the DC of Feni. If I were the DC of Feni,-----------.

o.            If I had a camera, ---------. I like photography very much.

p.            You were driving carelessly. If you -------. You would have avoided the accident.

q.            Honesty is the best policy .If you maintain honesty, ----------.

r.               If I had so much money,----------

s.              I was very busy with my exam. If I ------ , I would have joined your birthday celebration.

t.               What a lovely view that was! If I had a camera,---------.

u.            He is afraid of corona virus. If he had known much,----------

v.             I was not hungry at all. If I had been hungry,---------.

w.         The film ended very fantastically. If you enjoyed the film,---------.

x.             English is an international language. If you want to go abroad for higher studies, ------.

y.             You are a rich man. But you live like a pauper. If I were in your shoes,---------

z.              If I had a DSLR, ------                                                        .

aa.     If winter comes,-----

bb.    We cannot buy a car if ------.it costs a lot of money.

cc.      I missed you very much on the occasion. If you had been there,-------

dd.   If the habit of saying lies is formed in ones young age, -------.

e e.    The students were inattentive in their English class. If they were more attentive,--------

f f.          If they were educated, -------.                                .

g g.     He failed in the exam. He could pass if, -------.

h h.   Your neighbors --------. If you love them.

i i.             You cannot handle such an incident. If you don’t have prior experience in teaching,-------

j j.            If the bank gives them loan on easy terms, they --------

k k.     If you don’t work hard in your student life, ------.

l l.             If I knew his phone number, -----                              .

m m.                  If you want to lose weight,-------

n n.   Alcohol is not good health. If you take alcohol,-------

o o. If he had asked me ------

Other post  https://www.patwaryacademy.com/2023/08/english-1st-paper-unit-5-lesson-c.html


a.  Walk fast lest-------

b.  They walked fast lest ------.

c.  Write fast lest------.                                          .

d.   Zahir is an HSC candidate. He is studying hard lest ----------.

e. Trees are essential for our existence. So we should plant trees more lest -------.

f.   A student has to be punctual. He has to study regularly lest --------.

g.  Be punctual lest -------.

h.   He saw a bear coming towards him. So, he climbed up a tree lest ----------.

i.     He is going to college. He is walking fast lest -----------.

j.    We are late. The class will start soon. Walk fast lest -----------.

k. Last week I missed my train for a few minutes. Yesterday I went to the station early lest ------.                        .

l.   The bridge grew old. The villagers repaired it lest --------.

m.    Work carefully lest -------.

n.    A student has to be punctual. He/she has to study regularly lest -------.

o.    He is going to the railway station. He walks fast lest ---------.

p.    The police saw a pickpocket. Seeing the police, he ran away lest ---------.

q.       Practice righteousness lest -----------.

r.   Check the beast in you lest,---------

s.  I woke up late on the exam day. So, I ran hurriedly lest, ----------.

t.   My final examination is going on. I studied heard lest-------------

u.            I think you are not regular in studies. Be attentive lest --------.

v.  He is going to the railway station. He walks fast lest ----------.

w.         A police saw a pickpocket. Seeing the police, he ran away lest ----------.

Other post  https://www.patwaryacademy.com/2023/06/completing-sentence-completing-sentence.html

                  As if

a. The boy is a fool. He behaves as if ----------.

b.      Mr.  Jahangir is a quack. He behaves as if ----------.

c.  He behaved as if -------.

d.     He knows a little about computer. But he speaks as if --------.

e. Ritu performed a role in a stage drama last night. She acted as if ---------.

f.   Shefali gave a through account of the incident. She spoke as if -------------.

g. He behaved as if --------. So, everybody avoided him.

h.      Our new classmate is very fond of sweet. She behaves with all as if --------.

i.      It was raining heavily. It seemed as if -------.

j.    Mirjafor was a part of conspiracy but in front of Sirajuddaula he behaved as if,

k.  Mr. saiful is a quack but he behaves as if, ---------.

l.     I don’t like her at all. She speaks as if,---------.

m. Our new classmate is very amiable. She behaves in such a manner as if,---------.

n.      He told the matter as if -------.but I know, he was not there when it occurred.

o.      He behaved as if --------.

p.      It was raining heavily. It seemed as if, -------.

Other post  https://www.patwaryacademy.com/2023/04/2017-2019-without-clues-for-hsc.html

                                    So that

a.      I used to take an English newspaper daily so that --------.

b.   He worked hard so that -----------.

c.  He went to London so that ------.He was devoted to study.

d.   I got late today. Let’s take a taxi so that -----

e.     Trees are our best friends. But dishonest people cut trees so that ---------     

f. New York was a new city for them. They hired a bus so that ------------- 

g.   I do not know how to cook food. My mother wants me to learn cooking so that ---------

h.  Speak loudly so that ------------

i. There are many obstacles in our way to life. We must work hard so that --------

j.  There are many obstacles on our way to success. We must work hard so that ----- 

Other post  https://www.patwaryacademy.com/2023/03/2016-2022-synonym-antonym.html


a.                             a. Time has its wings. It was five years since we -------.

b.                             b. Early rising gives a man enough free time. Since I am an early riser --------.

c.                              c. My uncle lives in New Zealand. It is many years since ---------.

d.                              d. I live in Canada. It is many years since ---------.

e.I                             e. He could not recognize you at first. It was many years since we -------.

f.                               f. My friend lived in the USA. It is many years since ---------.



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