Amerigo a street child // Amerigo passage // Class Twelve // English 1st paper //

Amerigo a street child // Amerigo passage // Class Twelve // English 1st paper //

 Amerigo is a street child

My name is Amerigo. I am 13 years old and I live on the street, alone . My mother, who is separated from my father, doesn’t want me. She told me to go away…Now she is married to anther man. My father lives   far away. I want to go to him, but he won’t take me either. I begged him to send me some money so that I could buy a bus ticket. I am still waiting. He hasn’t answered.

The streets are now my home. Sometimes I find work. I used to collect trash and sell it to Vander. I stopped doing that after I had a serious infection and a doctor told ice cream on the beach. But I got no money in return. The owner of the shop gave me something to eat, and let me sleep in his hut at night. The work was difficult and painful. The ice cream box is quite heavy when it is full. I had to walk for hours, offering my ice cream to whoever wanted to buy. There days when I could not even sell one ice cream.

In a way, I am lucky because I am alive. My friends who work strong rubbish in dumps often suffer from serious diseases. One of them was recently killed after he had fallen into a hole that opened up in the pile of trash. Many of us work for 10 to 12 hours, and get so little in return that we can’t even buy food. Shoe-shining is very popular among the street kids. A few of my friends also work in factories and workshops. A boy I know lost one of his eyes after a piece of hot glass flew into his eye at  the glass  factory where he worked. The owner refused to  pay for medical help and fired him.

For me, like all other children on the street, It is very hard. I am always hungry, and I don’t know where I will sleep the next night. I would like to live in my own home and sleep there in peace. The nights are very cold in the winter. You can die of cold in the street.

1.                  Choose the correct answer from the alternatives:

a.  What is the motive of the author of this passage?

i.    To highlight that Amerigo had a bright life.

ii.   To highlight that Amerigo led an honest life.

iii.  To show that Amerigo led a wretched life.

iv. To highlight that Amerigo led a strange life.

2.                  Which of the following statement is not true?

i. Amerigo’s mother remarried.

ii. Amerigo is a teenager.

iii. Amerigo considers him lucky.

v.  Amerigo is an orphan boy.

3.                  Amerigo is- artist                                ii. An orphan boy

iii. a brilliant student             iv. A street urchin

   4.  What is the contextual meaning of Vendor?

               i. slave                                   ii. Hawker

              iii. Terrorist                            iv. Beggar

 5.Which of the following statement is about shoe-shining.?

                i.   Shoe-shining is very favorite to the street children.

ii.   The street children like shoe-shining.

iii.  The street children like waste-collecting.

iv.   The street children like ice cream-selling.

  6. Who is Amerigo ?

               i. a street vendor              ii. a street child

              iii. a philanthropist             iv. Both 1,2

7.What are street children devoid of, as mentioned in the passage?

             i. Freedom of vote             ii. Freedom of speech

            iii. Right of personal liberty  iv. Five fundamental rights.

8.What does ‘dump’ refer to?

            i. physician                  ii. Injury

          iii. Dust heap                iv. damage

9. What does ‘fire’ mean?

         i. shot                           ii. Sacked

         iii. Blocked                  iv. Freed

10. What does ‘trash’ refer to?

     i. wealth                              ii. Fortune

     iii. rubbish                          iv. Dustbin

Other post:

11. Who wants to take Amerigo with?

     i. his father                       ii. His mother

     iii. his parents                  iv. None of them

12. What is meant by the phrase stay away?

     i. stand back                     ii. Remove

     iii. Appealing                     iv. Affection

13. How does Amerigo always feel?

      i. desperate                       ii. Starvation

      iii. Hopelessness                 iv. Ecstasy

14. The opposite meaning of the word ‘separated’ –

     i. attached                          ii. Lonely

    iii. isolated                          iv. Allured

15.What kind of word  ‘infection’ is?

      i. noun                              ii. Verb

      iii. Adverb                          iv. Adjective

16. What makes Amerigo feel lucky?

      i. food                                  ii. life

      iii. friends                           iv. parents

17. ‘In return’ means-

       i. in power                           ii. to cancel

       iii. on the way of returning iv. in exchanging

18. Amerigo is – human rights.

     i. affected by                       ii. Deprived of

     iii. fond of                            iv. working for

19. Amerigo is a/an-

    i. trash collector                  ii. Orphan

    iii. happy child                      iv. None of these

20. The word ‘separated’ mentioned in the passage.

    i. crowded                           ii. privileged

    iii. broken up                       iv. populate

21. What made Amerigo fall sick?

   i. living in street                   ii. Venturing ice creams

   iii.  collecting trash dump   iv. sorting rubbish dumps

22.Children like Amerigo lives a very – life.

    i. Comfortable                   ii. natural

    iii. common                        iv. painful

23.What does the expression ‘fire’ mean in the passage?

    i. to shoot                          ii. to burn

    iii. to sack                          iv. to promoted

24.Which of the following has the closest meaning of the word ‘vendor’ ?

     i. seller                            ii. maker

     iii. producer                    iv. worker

25. Amerigo’s parents do not live-

     i. separately                     ii. together

      iii. far from each other    iv. far from Amerigo

26. What does the expression, ‘My father lives far away’ mean?

      i. Lives with my father       ii. My father    feels me

      iii. My father does not live with me. Iv. My father wants to live with me.

27.The word ‘pile’ mentioned in the passage-

     i. store                              ii. sort

      iii. separate                       iv. heap

28. What is Amerigo?

      i. A brilliant student        ii. Artist

     iii. A street urchin            iv. An orphan boy

29. “I am still waiting” Here the word ‘still’ is a/an-

     i. verb                             ii. Noun

     iii. Adjective                    iv. Adverb

30. Amerigo’s parents are-

    i. separate                      ii. Separated

     iii. Separating                 iv. Being separated

31.Who refused to pay for medical help for the injured boy?

      i. Amerigo                       ii. Amerigo’s parents

     iii. The owner of the factory iv. other boys

32. The best synonym of ‘dump’ is-

      i. bring together again  ii. Heap of rubbish

      iii. short of hearing        iv. Reproduce

33. The narrator of the story is a/an-

       i. student                      ii. Young man

       iii. Orphan                    iv. abandoned child

34. Amerigo has to – for himself.

    i. fend                           ii. depend

    iii. rely                           iv. depart

35. The age group that Amerigo belongs to identify him as-

    i. an infant                   ii. a child

     iii. a teacher                iv. an adult

36.The conditions of street children like Amerigo are-

       i. legally admissible     ii. acceptable

       iii. in compliance with human right

       v.  Subhuman

37. Amerigo’s mother is at present-

       i. remarried             ii. Single

        iii. widowed            iv. Engaged

38. The word ‘dump’ in this passage means-

       i. warehouse           ii. silo

       iii. reservoir             iv. deposit

39.Now that Amerigo’s parents have left him, he resembles-

      i. a refugee           ii. an orphan

      iii. an outcast        iv. a vagabond

40. The word ‘beach’ in the passage means-

      i. adviser               ii. buyer

     iii. seller                iv. customer

41. The word ‘beach’ means-

       i. coast                 ii. desert

       iii. island              iv. sport

42. Amerigo is in his-

       i. teens                  ii. teenaged

        iii. teen                  iv. teenager

43.In winter, the nights are-

      i. cozy                   ii. cool

      iii. extremely cold iv. moderately cold

44. Amerigo is- by his parents.

      i. adored                ii. abandoned

      iii. embraced          iv. assaulted

45. To Amerigo, life is-

     i. challenges            ii. challenged

      iii. challenging         iv. challenge

46. His parents live-

      i. part                      ii. togetherness

      iii. together            iv. apart

47. The owner of the glass factory – the injured boy.

       i. terminated            ii. attached

      iii. appended            iv. appointed

48. Amerigo’s parents are- to him.

      i. intelligent              ii. sensible

      iii. confused              iv. callous

49. The word ‘trash’ means-

      i. essential               ii. garbage

      iii. paper-material   iv. coin

50. “I would like to live in my own home and sleep there in peace.’’

      i. Amerigo does not have a good life.

      ii. Amerigo wants to go home.

      iii. Amerigo wants to live a better life.

      iv. Amerigo misses his parents.

51.Who are street children?

       i. Children who play on street.

       ii. Children born on the footpath.

       iii. Children left on the street to survive on the mercy of others.

       iv. Children specially taken care of by the government.

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52.The word ‘painful’ refers to-

        i. awful                    ii. dreadful

        iii. agonizing             iv. awesome

53.How did one of Amerigo’s friends die?

      i. by an accident              ii. of disease

       iii. for want of food         iv. by falling into a hole.

54.What makes Amerigo feel lucky?

       i. food                             ii. his parents

      iii. friends                       iv. life

55. The word ‘infection’ stands for-

       i. Contagion                 ii. sanitation

       iii. sterility                   iv. callous to

56. The synonym of the word ‘alone’ –

       i. full of eagerness      ii. lonely

      iii. isolation                 iv. quiet

57. What does the word ‘popular’ refer to-

       i. making something rare  ii. eradicate

       iii. very fascinating               iv. liked and admired

58. What does  ‘go away’ means?

       i. to disappear            ii. to die

        iii. to travel  of            iv. to depart

59. What  does the word ‘beg’ in the third line of the passage mean?

       i. alms                      ii. ask for something

       iii. want                  iv. helpless

60.The word ‘fired’ refers to-

       i. murdered             ii. killed

        iii. blocked            iv. dismissed

61. Amerigo is a –

        i. courageous        ii. liberal

       iii. victim              iv. hero of life


Choose the best answer are in bold




















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