Class HSC// English 2nd paper // Modifier// all examples

Class HSC// English 2nd paper // Modifier// all examples
All examples of Modifier in test exam of HSC in 2024

Pre/post modify the noun

1.                  It was a b. {post modify the noun} day.

2.                  We crossed it with e. { pre modify the noun}

3.                  On the side of the foot over bridge there were hawkers f.{ use practical phrase to post modify the noun.}

4.                  We crossed it with e. {pre modify the noun} difficult.

5.                  We took shelter inside a i. { pre modify the noun} shop.

6.                  We put on b. { pre modify the noun} clothes when it is cold.

7.                  We go out with an umbrella in the c. {pre modify the noun} season.

8.                      { pre modify the noun} rainfall helps to grow bumper crops.

9.                  All the seasons have more or h.{pre modify the noun} advantages.

10.              And they have i. {pre modify the noun with a determiner} great influence on the environment.

11.              We should eat to preserve b. { pre modify the noun with a possessive} health.

12.              We need to eat c. { pre modify the noun} food.

13.              Sometimes, it so happens that people d.   { pre modify the noun with a determiner} food they need for good health.

14.               That is why they suffer from f. { pre modify the noun} diseases.

15.              For this they should have h. { pre modify the noun} knowledge about health and nutrition.

16.               If they were educated, they could live a i.   { pre modify the noun} life.

17.              Only healthy man is a j. { pre modify the noun} man.

18.               He was a a. { pre modify the noun} poet.

19.              News paper play a very a. { pre modify the noun} role in modern civilization.

20.              Only b. {  pre modify the noun} knowledge is not enough is not enough in this competitive world.

21.              There are g. { pre modify the noun} kinds of newspaper.

22.               One should choose the i. {pre modify the noun} newspaper because many newspaper present news partially.

23.               Now the questions arise whether beauty and ugliness are he g. { pre modify the noun} parts of art.

24.              There are two poems on beauty written by two poets of j. { pre modify the noun} ages.

25.              A balanced diet is a good mixture of a. { pre modify the noun} foods.

26.               There are many benefits of eating a c. { pre modify the noun} diet because it prevents d. { use determiner to pre modify the noun} diseases

27.               We should select f. { pre modify the noun with possessive} diet according to our needs.

28.               Offering the flowers, they pray fore. { use a possessive to pre modify the noun} souls.

29.              They also gather in the mosque, temple and other f. { pre modify the noun} institutions and pray for the salvation of the martyrs g. {pre modify the noun} souls.

30.                Education, a. { use appositive to post modify the noun}, is essentials for development.

31.              We can improve.{ possessive to pre modify the noun} mind.

32.              An c. { adjective to pre modify the noun} person has the ability.

33.               The roads a. { use an adjective phrase to post modify the noun} are beset with problems b. { pre modify the noun} driving is one of them.

34.               The officer came with a police pick up and took the man to the j { pre modify the noun} hospital.

35.               Hercules a. { use an appositive to post modify the noun} was noted for super human energy.

36.               The valley of name was being disturbed by a c. {pre modify the noun} lion and so Eurystheus ordered.

37.               Hercules d. {use an infinitive phrase to post modify the noun} and bring him skin.

38.               Then Hercules attempted a g. { pre modify the noun} tactic.

39.               He thus managed to slay the animal on his own, h. {use a participle phrase to post modify the nouns}.

40.              He returned to Mycenae carrying the h. { pre modify the noun} lion on his shoulders.

41.               Water is a s. { pre modify the noun} substance.

42.              The c. { determiner to pre modify the noun} name of water is life.

43.              By drinking water, we can quench d. {possessive to pre modify the noun} thirst.

44.                 Thus, we can survive on earth. But e. {pre modify the noun} water is life killing.

45.              We are responsible for h. {noun adjective to pre modify the noun} pollution.

46.              Besides, latrines I. { participle to post modify the noun} on ponds and rivers causes water pollutions.

47.              {pre modify the noun} awareness should be raised to stop water pollution.

48.              Her husband was a a. {pre modify the noun} farmer who used on other peoples land.

49.               But after getting married they barley had enough to support their h. {pre modify the noun} families.

50.              { pre modify the noun} husband and herself.

Other post

51.               Bangladesh is a a.{pre modify the noun} country.

52.              It has a b. {pre modify the noun} population.

53.               We earn e. {pre modify the noun} currencies by exporting some of these crops.

54.              We are also rich in f. {pre modify the noun} resources.

55.              Inn this regard, we have already earned a j. {pre modify the noun} reputation.

56.               Mother is a a. {adjective to pre modify noun} blessing in the world.

57.               The mother day is a significant  ay observed as a { adjective to pre modify noun} occasion to honor all mothers of the world.

58.               They buy some special presents for their f. {superlative to pre modify noun} mothers.

59.              It brings a g.{adjective to pre modify noun} happiness between a mother and children.

60.               This way, we pay a j. {pre modify the noun} tribute to our dear mothers.

61.              Most of songs come from b.{ pre modify the noun} folk music.

62.               A a. { pre modify the noun with a noun adjective} morning is misty and cold.

63.               There is dense fog b.{post modify the verb}.

64.              Those who don’t have cloths suffer from { pre modify the noun} cold.

65.               A novel is a { pre modify the phrase} written story in which characters and events are presented.

66.               One conspicuous change in {use pre modifier qualifying noun} society is the presence of women outside the home.

67.               Othello a. { use an appositive to post modify the noun} had risen to become a general.

68.              He has shown his bravery in many b.{use an adjective to pre modify the noun} battles against the Turks.

69.               Senator of Venice had a daughter named Desdemona { use a relative clause to post modify the noun}.

70.               Students are the { a pre modifier of noun} leaders of a country.

71.              They spoil their { pre modify of a noun}.

72.               A few days ago the { pre modify the noun with a noun adjective} ceremony of elder sister was held.

73.               The { pre modify the noun} guests started to come in the evening.

74.              Once upon a time,{use an adjective to pre modify the noun} fox was roaming in search of food.

75.              The fox looked at the grapes with longing eyes and licked {use possessive to pre modify the noun} chops.

76.               {pre modify the noun} management has become the most {pre modify the noun} topic in the modern world.

77.               This {pre modify the noun} amount of waste is a {pre modify the noun} concern of conscious people of the present world.

78.              Especially people {post modify the noun with a participle} in the towns are facing this problem {post modify the noun with an adverbial}.

79.                Jatiyo Smiti Shoudho (a) ______ {post modify the noun with an appositive}, it the symbol in the memory of(b)____{use determiner to pre modify the noun} martyrs.

80.               Who gave (c)___{pre modify the noun with possessive} lives to bring independence for the country.

81.               (f) ____{use determiner to pre modify the noun}monument was designed by Syed Mainul Hossain.

82.               We become overwhelmed with grief and pray for the (j) ______{pre modify the noun} souls of the martyrs.

83.               We see(b)_______{use a demonstrative to pre modify the noun} kind of day in the wet season(c)______{post-modify the noun with an appositive}.

84.              It stops(e)______{use article to pre-modify the noun phrase}wheels of life.

85.                In recent years, there have been many ______{use present participle to pre- modify the noun} reports that worlds climate is undergoing a {use an adjective to pre-modify the noun} change.

86.               All these provide ______{use an adjective to pre-modify the noun} evidence that world temperatures are increasing .

87.               Nepal, India and so many countries are under the threat of (i)_____{use an adjective to pre modify the noun} disasters.

88.               Nelson Mandela,(a){use an appositive to post-modify the noun}, guided South Africa the shackles of apartheid to a (b)__________{use adjective to pre-modify the noun}democracy, as icon of peace and reconciliation, who came to embody the struggle for justice around the world.

89.               Time is the most valuable assets in (a)______{use possessive to pre-modify the noun} life.

90.               It is (b)_____{pre-modify the noun} than money and all other things.

91.              Lost money and health can be regained, but(d)_____{use past participle to post modify the noun} time cannot come back.

92.              In (g)__________{use a demonstrative to pre-modify the noun} short duration if we want to shine in life, we have to make the best use of time.

93.              A man (i)____{use relative pronoun to post-modify the noun} does his work in time can shine in life.

94.               On the other hand, those who waste their time cannot pick up the fruits of success in(j)______{use possessive to pre-modify the noun} lives.

95.              I enjoyed my (a)____{pre modify the noun} journey by plane.

96.              But I felt my tension(e)__{use a participle to post modify the noun}.

97.              I clenched (f)____{use a possessive to pre-modify the noun}fists.

98.              Independence is ones(a)_____{pre-modify the noun} right.

99.               Our nation had been under the ©______{pre-modify the noun} rule of the


Other post

100.          In almost every sphere of life, the people had a face(h)______{use past participle the noun} suffering.

101.          Her husband was a (a)_____{pre modify the noun} farmer who used on other peoples land.

102.           The sons also started with there father as(e)_____{pre-modify the noun} labors when they were old enough to help.

103.          Poverty is the (a)______{pre-modify the noun with an adjective} problem in our country.

104.           We should eat to preserve (b)______{pre-modify the noun with a possessive} health.

105.          We need to eat©______{pre modify the noun} food.

106.          Sometimes, it so happens that people(d)_____{pre-modify the noun with a present participle} in the midst of plenty do not eat(e)____{pre-modify the noun with a determiner} food they need for good health.

107.          That’s why, they suffer (f) ____ {pre modify the noun} diseases.

108.          If they were educated, they could live a (i)______{pre-modify the noun} life.

109.          Only a healthy, man is (j) _____{pre-modify the noun} man.

110.          There are (a)_____{pre-modify the noun} seasons in our country.

111.          The (b)_____{pre-modify the noun) season in Bangla calendar is summer.

112.          Various(d)______{pre-modify the noun} fruits are funds this time.

113.          After summer comes the |(e)______{pre-modify the noun} season.

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                    Modify the verb

1.                  I experienced a very interesting incident (a) _________ {post-modify the verb} on my way to Dinajpur.

2.                  Tameika tried to turn in the left when the cow too walked (d) ______ {post-modify the verb} back a few steps.

3.                  Education gives us knowledge and set of abilities of function (a) _______ {post-modify the verb with an adverb} in life, such as ability to decide things rationally and make the choice.

4.                  As we are through to reason (g)_____{pre-modify the verb} and find solutions to problems of life we become member of society.

5.                  I had gathered a peculiar experience(a)________{post-modify the verb} while travelling to St. Martin's island.

6.                  The birds were flying (e)_______{post-modify the verb} with the ship.

7.                  (g)_____ we entertained them with biscuits _________ {use a present participle phrase to post-modify the verb}.

8.                  We decided (i)________{use an infinitive to post-modify the verb} in the idyllic island for a couple of days.

9.                  We can never forget (j)______{use a demonstrative to pre-modify the adjective phrase to post-modify the verb} lovely sea birds.

10.              One day my was returning home (a)______{post-modify the verb} from college.

11.               It hurt its leg and it was bleeding (f)_____{post-modify the verb}.

12.               Amy become (g)_____{post-modify the verb} sad.

13.               She (h)_____{pre-modify the verb} carried the dog home and nursed the wound.

14.               Sparrow prefer to build their nests ©_______{use an adverbial phrase to post-modify the verb}usually on the ground, clumps, low trees and low bushes.

15.               They (e)_____{use an adverb to pre-modify the verb} build their nests in high places.

16.              They(h)______{use an adverb to pre-modify the verb} bath in water.

17.               We can apply our knowledge in our engagement with the world that lies (f)________{ use an adverb to post-modify the verb}.

18.               We may (c)________{pre-modify the verb} appreciate it.

19.              it is situated at Agra (b)______{post-modify the verb}.

20.               It has grasped the young generation ©______{post-modify the verb}.

21.               We use language from the time we wake up (b)_____{post modify the verb} till we go to bed at night.

22.               They walk©_______{post-modify the verb} to the Saheed Minar.

23.                They help us (b)____{post-modify the verb with an infinitive phrase} knowledge.

24.              They help us (f)_________{post-modify the verb with infinitive} our mind.

25.               The river and the open nature inspired him (d)______{use an adverb to post-modify the verb}  from his early life.

26.               And recognition gave the confidence (i)_____{post-modify the verb with a prepositional phrase}.

27.               Mother day is now observed (d)__________{use an adverbial phrase to pre-modify the verb} as elsewhere around the world.

28.               The mother (i)________{use an adverb to pre-modify the verb} draws her children with her motherly affection.

29.               A farmer was going to his field (b)_____{post-modify the verb with an infinitive} seeds.

30.                He put it ©_______{post-modify the noun with a present participle} on the ground.

31.               He put it (e)______{post-modify the verb} in a box and brought it home.

32.               On other hand, an person (h)_______{use an adverb to pre-modify the verb} legs behind.

33.               The courtier received him (h)____{post-modify the verb} and entertain him with rich foods.

34.              The Eskimos live |(h)_______{post-modify the verb} on meat and fish as nothing can be grown there.

35.              She (h)______{pre-modify the verb} help the weak students to prepare their lessons.

36.               Weather affects our life (a)_______{post-modify the verb}.

37.              But the weather pattern is changing (j)__________{post-modify the verb} because of global warming.

38.               Her husband was a farmer who used to work (b) _______ {post-modify the verb with a prepositional phrase}.

39.               Everyone praised him©________{use an adverb to post-modify the verb} and the senate trusted and honored him.

40.                The reading room is always crowded (j)___________{post-modify the verb} in the afternoon.

41.               Besides academic books, one should read newspaper (d) __________{post-modify the verb}.

42.               Whatever the paper is, it (j)______________{pre-modify the verb} helps a man.

43.               A thirsty crow flew all over the fields (d)____________{use non-finite verb phrase}.

44.              She flew (d) __________ {post-modify the verb} to see if there was any water inside.

45.               The man who clean body and puts on clean clothes is free from dirt and dust and no diseases can attack him (d)___________{post-modify the verb}.

46.               She flew (d)___________{post-modify the verb} to see if there was any water inside.

47.               His wife wove loom (e)______{post-modify the verb}.

48.               He treats the patients (e)______________{use a participle to post-modify the verb} small fees.

49.               They can (d)_____{use an adverb to pre-modify the verb} put their Signature and read Bengali.

50.              They do (h)________{use an adverb to pre-modify the verb} drive consciously.


 Participle and appositive

1.                  Education, (e)________{use an appositive to post-modify the noun} releases our potentials and out inner strength.

2.                  21 February (a)______{use an appositive to post-modify the noun}, in our history is now observed as the international mother language day. all over in the world.

3.                  Sheikh Sadi, (a)______{post-modify the noun with an appositive}, was simple in his ways of life. So, people develop food habit(j)_____{post-modify the noun with a present participle} on their  ability to grow or to buy.

4.                  Iraq, (a)_______{use an appositive to post-modify the noun},m never misses  her prayer an early riser.

5.                  In1912 an shipping company launched a new ship called  Titanic,(b)______{post-modify the noun with an appositive}.

6.                  Zainul Abedin,(a)_______{post-modify the noun with an appositive}, was born in 1914.

7.                  In Bangladesh talented man is known as Shilpacharya,(J)________{post-modify the noun with an appositive}.

8.                  Robert Bruce (a)_____{ post-modify the noun with an appositive } fought battles against king Edward I of England.

9.                  Othello,(a)______{use an appositive to post-modify the noun} had risen to become a general.

10.              Bangladesh (a)______{ post-modify the noun with an appositive}has a huge population.

11.               George lay,(g)_____{use a appositive to post-modify the noun}



1.                  We entertained them with biscuit__________{use a present participle phrase to post-modify the verb}.

2.                  On the way she saw a dog(b)_____{use a participle phrase to post-modify a noun}.

3.                  A person (j)_________{use a past participle to post-modify the noun} civically is concerned about civic issues like injustice, discrimination and other forms of social ills.

4.                   We can keep fit(h)________{use a participle} a balanced diet.

5.                  (h)_______{use a participle phrase}, we can remove this curse from our society.

6.                  On this day, people of our country get up early in the morning (b)_______{use a participle phrase to post-modify the verb}.

7.                  In this way, we pay a (j)_________{use a present participle to pre-modify the noun} tribute to our dear mothers.

8.                  (j)_________{pre-modify the verb with a present participle phrase,} the farmer killed the snake.

9.                   (d)_________{use a participle phrase to pre-modify the verb}, the dove quickly plucked off a leaf and dropped it into the water near the ant.

10.               He saw one duck leaning on one leg (i)_________{use a present participle to post-modify the verb} the other.

11.               Every one rushed to the lifeboats (g)___________{use present participle to pre-modify the noun} the bells ring.

12.                (f)________________{pre-modify the verb with a present participle phrase} regularly, one can be aware of everything.

13.              (h)________{use a participle phrase to pre-modify the verb}, she saw some pebbles nearby.

14.                We can apply our(e)________{use a past participle to pre-modify the noun} knowledge in our engagement with the world that lies.

15.               A person(j)_______{use a past participle to post-modify the noun} civically is concerned about civic issues like justice, discrimination and other forms of social ills.

16.               Michael was a poor shepherd(a)_____{post-modify the noun with a present participle} in a village of England.

17.               Most of the drivers are not ©____{pre-modify the participle} trained.

18.               Desdemona had to weep(g)_____{use a present participle to post-modify the verb phrase} and she never become tried of listening to them

19.                Independence was our (b)___________{pre-modify with a participle} need.      




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