rearrange// For HSC Examination 2024//English 1st paper


For HSC Examination
 question no (6)

Rearrange the following sentence to make a coherent order.


a.                  `Please let me go to my country.”

b.                  An English boy was making a small boat.

c.                   “I shall cross the sea and go to my country by this boat.”

d.                  He made all the arrangements to send him to his country.

e.                  Suddenly, he noticed a wonderful thing.

f.                    Napoleon was charmed by the erodes of the small boy.

g.                  “ I haven’t seen my mother for a long time.”

h.                  The boy said, “My country is on the other side of the sea.”

i.                    One day Napoleon, the king of France was walking along the seashore.

j.                    The boy was brought him and he asked him what he would do with such a small boat.

Ans: E+g+d+c+i+j+A+h+b+f


          a.  As a result, he studied under a great thinker Plato.

          b. he also wrote books on biography, literature, economics and comparative politics.

         c. Plato though Aristotle according to his own way.

          d. Aristotle was born in Greece.

          E. His father wanted him to be a physician, but he never cherished to be so.

          f. Later on, Aristotle took the pen to write on topics suitable for human civilization.

          g. He is called the father of biology because of his creativity.

          h. ‘politics’ is one of his famous books, which exposes fullest development of his wisdom.

          i. He was the son of royal physician.

           j. He wanted to be a freethinker.

Ans: D+i+e+j+a+c+f+h+b+g

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          a. they dug the hole, killed the snake and took the necklace.

         b. the crow at least through of a plan to get rid of its enemy.

         c. it stole an expensive necklace of the princess from the royal place and dropped it into the snacks hole after scattering a few rubies here and there.

        d. a snake lived in a hole at the foot of a tree.

       e. the king became very angry at the loss and sent out men to look for the necklace.

       f. high up on its branches was the nest of a crow.

       g. in this way, the snake ate up three of the chicks.

       h. in course of time, they noticed the scattered rubies near the hole.

        i. the crow had four young chicks in the nest.

        j. whenever the crow would leave the nest to bring food for its chicks, the snacks would climb and eat one.

Ans.: D+g+c+e+b+j+f+i+a+h


      a. he was awarded the Nobel prize in 1913 for Gitanjali.

       b. in 1880, Rabindranath was called back to India.

       c. he returned home without any qualification of distinction.

       d. he wrote Gitanjali, a collection of Bangla songs of superior quality.

        e. Rabindranath Tagore was born in 1861 in to a respectable family at Jorasanko in Kolkata.

        f. at the age of seventeen, in 1878, he reached London to attend school.

        g. the experience had a lasting effect on his later life.

        h. we went to school early and wrote his first verse at the age of eight.

       i. he gathered much experience from his stay in London.

        j. however, he never gave up his habit of writing poetry.

Ans: I+a+j+c+e+d+b+f+h+g

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        a. as a result, he studied under a great thinker Plato.

         b. he also wrote books on Biology, Literature, Economics and comparative politics.

         c. Plato thought Aristotle according to his own way.

         d. Aristotle was born in Greece.

         e. his father wanted him to be a physician but he never cherished to be so.

         f. he was the son of a royal physician.

        G. he wanted to be a free thinker.

         h. politics is one of his famous books which exposes fullest development of his wisdoms.

          I. he is called the father of biology because of his creativity.

          j. later on, Aristotle took the pen to write on topic suitable for human civilization.

Ans: d+f+e+g+a+c+j+b+h+l.


a.                     a. He wrote a lot of poems, songs, short stories, novels, etc.

b.                    b. He lost his father at the age of eight.

c.                     c. At the age of nineteen, he joined the army as an ordinary soldier to fight in the First World War.

d.                     d. At the age of eleven, he showed his poetic genius.

e.                    e. He inspired people through his writing.

f.                       f. On his return from the battlefield, he gave up the sword for pen.

g.                    g. It was tragic that he had been suffering from fatal diseases since 1942 and remained paralyzed for the rest of his life.

h.                     h. In 1924, he married Promila in Kolkata.

i.                     i. Bangladesh become independent in 1971 and he was brought to Bangladesh from Kolkata in 1972.

j.                       j. Kazi Nazrul Islam was born in 1899 in the district of Burdwan in west Bengal.

Ans:  j+b+d+c+f+a+e+h+g+i


a.                a.   He asked him where god is.

b.                 b.  He praised him highly.

c.                 c.  Once a lad went to a famous teacher.

d.               d.    The teacher thought highly of the boys understanding.

e.               e.    The lad replied that he would answer if he would tell where he is not.

f.               d.   The boy devoted himself to earning knowledge.

g.            e.   He agreed to teach the lad.

h.             f. He expressed his desire to acquire knowledge.

i.              g. The teacher wished to find out the ability of the boy.

j.             h.  He begged to instruct him in the arts and science.

Ans: C+i+g+j+a+e+d+b+h+f


a.           a.   The last word of the of the speech are :”government of the people, for the people for the people shall not perish from the earth.”

b.            b.  Abraham Lincoln was the 19th president of the united states of America.

c.            c.   On the 10th of November 1863, a railway train was carrying him to place called Gettysburg.

d.           d.     It is one of the finest and the shortest speeches in the English language.

e.           e.    He was going there to speak at a meeting.

f.           On the envelop, it was what he was going to say at the meeting.

g.           f. These words tell us what the best possible way of ruling a country is.

h.          g. He was not writing on a paper, but on the back of an envelope.

i.          h.   In the train, he was busy writing something.

j.          In fact, the speech on the envelope is now famous as “Gettysburg Address.”

Ans: B+c+e+i+h+f+a+g+i+d





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